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Avatars & Sigs: The significance

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    This is kind of a follow up to another topic of mine "Etymology of Usernames". In it people share their insights on their respective usernames, that is, they discuss why they chose that particular name to label themselves.

    In this topic, I'm hoping that people will share their insights on why they chose their user Avatars &/or sigs. I hope you don't consider this as an invasion of your privacy, rather I'm hoping you use this topic to let people get to know you better.

    I'll start with myself, my Avatar is a photo of myself during (actually it was taken before) my graduation ceremony at University. Our University, The University of the Philippines, or UP, as its commonly reffered to thought that the traditional Toga graduation was getting old so the Administration thought of making it's graduating college students (yup, college grads only Masters Degree grads & Doctorate grads still wear Togas when they graduate as a symbol of their greater achievements) wear our country's national Dress, this I'm wearing is called a "Barong Tagalog" a formal suit men wear usually & traditionally made of pineapple cloth (I don't really know how they make the cloth though), but nowadays come in cheaper cloth. Its kinda translucent so you wear an undershirt so people won't oogle (or in my case, get frightened) your Body. It traditionally came in white, but nowadays come in black & in bright pastel (which I find disgusting though :p )

    The women wear what we call a "Baro't Saya" or translated into blouse & skirt

    The sash I'm wearing is a "Sablay" & is Islamic in origin if you could zoom in on my pic, the sash has an ornately embroidered "UP" on it. I also wore a hat called a "Fez", also Islamic in origin, but in this shot I wasn't wearing it.

    I chose this particular photo cause I thought this would scare the living day lights out of people lol ;D

    As for my Sig, I definitely love South Park's Eric Cartman, when I first starting posting on the various topics in the forum I tried "emulating" his bad assness by being rude to people, boy did that work out bad for me ;D
  2. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Lets see... My avatar is just something i found on Photobucket, while i was randomly looking for stuff.

    My Sig, is my Gamertag for Xbox live, My support for good grammar and me trying to help Nintendo take over the world :p
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Your pic is really small; you can't really zoom in on it. I chose my avatar because I thought Ulquiorra from BLEACH was cool, so I cropped him out of a picture on Wikipedia and added some shading and a background. Then I put my name on it. :p As for my sigs, one is to show off my semi-über internet connection, and the other is to get the world to stop using l33tspeak.

    And Cahos, actually the height of your sig breaks the rules. The maximum height permitted is 200 pixels.
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    My avatar as you can see is Drake from the game ''Uncharted:Drake's Fortune''

    My sig is a Big Gamer-card for my PS3..

    Edit:My text says about the latest games I have played on my PS3...
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Duly noted dude

    I am really trying my best to get a better pic of Cartman but most of the things I find are either too big or too small. About my Avatar being too small go to my friensater account:


    You'll find my pic there & it's big enough to see the embroidery

    OK so I finally found a better pic I liked for my Sig its from one of my favorite episodes "Good times with weapons", I liked that episode 'cause the characters were done anime style :)

    I also forgot that I originally set ny Friendster account so that only my closest friends would see but I reset it so everyone can see my full profile.
  6. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Avatar: None, far too cool. /o/
    Siggy: Random shit splashes together in Photoshop, because I lack patience.
    Update: Just made a new sig. Same description applies. :p
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You shouldn't say that about your Sig, so what if you made it from random bits & pieces the more important thing is you invested some of your time & energy making it.

    You know what? The truth is I envy guys like you with fancy Sigs &/or Avatars 'cause I don't have any knowledge & skill to do those. Damn I say, this guy's Avatar/Sig's cool, some of you even have Sigs that are animated & I saw a dude with an animated Megaman Zero Avatar that Swings his Z-Saber repeatedly, uber cool!!

    Now look at me, using a lame photo of myself & a Sig I just found on the net, a pathetic choice indeed!!! But hey I said, no matter how sucky me Avatar & Sig are they still "define" who I am in the community, so who cares if people laugh at my pathetic state that's their opinion as long as I'm happy & proud of who I am, 'cause in the end that's the only thing that matters, to me anyway.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    We can't all be good at the same things. I know how to use photoshop, but my lack of artistic talent means I can't actually do anything worthwhile with it.
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Avatar: Luke Fon Fabre from the game Tales of The Abyss.

    Sig: Fou-Lu from the Breath of Fire 4, although I'll usually switch it up with something more interesting every once in a while. The little text part at the bottom is there for laughs.
  10. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    My sig is just some photoshop i tried for a skin, and my avatar is some random picture i found.
  11. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    mines pretty basic, i love spyro, and i love magical trevor. google magical trevor, its awesome. the 1st and 2nd ones are the best.

    They're little animated movies by the way.
  12. nisbahmumtaz

    nisbahmumtaz Well-Known Member

    Obviously,I'm an Objection! fan.Phoenix Wright FTW.

    The other is a comic I found on my brother's DS.
  13. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    My Avatar is a picture of me of when I was a very young kid. In those days black & white pictures were the standard. Color film was more expensive. Which says a lot about my age. :'(
    I have yet to think up a Sig.
  14. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    seriously has anyone watched magical trevor yet?

    heres a link to the first one http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/magical+trevor/

    also there are a whole lot of other really funny toons.
  15. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    my avatar and sig is from a cartoon called invader zim

    hes a robot named GIR, really funny, REALLY stupid, and follows orders...

    he was built from scrap found on the Almighty's pockets...

    when hes outside he dresses up as a dog... ^^

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