Um...mine and a few other's avatar's have went from compressed from original image to being massive... Just reporting, it may be just a glitch...but if not...well my avatar is too big to leave as is and...I lack anything smaller Plus I MUST go to bed so no time for a replacement-BYE!
No...that's not how it's fixed. WHat I did is I added personal txt to my profile and then my avatar fixed it's self...however removing the personal txtkilled it. Thus I reverted back to my old hypnos tyrant... What a bloody odd error! Post Merge: [time]1266940823[/time] Must be.
I see no avatar...even when I go to your profile.. Man, what's going on, the avatar's are messed up....
So...what happened here sir? I just did's just weird how adding some personal txt fixed it, removing it killed it, and then everything seems normal...
XD It seems as if avatars that are re-uploaded from another URL are in the avatar database now... HEy sin....i thought you were MDS.....T_T.... Get your own..
Yeah, got tired of people adding 600kb large avatars. So now they are required to be uploaded on the server so we can keep them small and load times fast.
True. The image re-sizer won't have to work. Causing pages to load a LOT faster. Yep. If you need to resize your avatar go here ---> and use the Custom size and resize to 95. Ensure to save the resulting image to your computer and upload to RomU.