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Audiophile media player.

Discussion in 'Sports' started by cjdogger, Jan 11, 2010.

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  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    So hey, one of my favourite things is listening to music and I go to college now sometimes with nothing to do really, and well, I DESPISE iPods and iPhones, their music quality is bad and they're basically just gimmicks.
    Screw them.
    Sooo, can any of you recommend me one.

    All my music, except about 5 files are in .flac format so they'll need to support that.

    This is what i've seen so far:


    They're both Samsung, they make good monitors but music, i'm not sure.
    Philips seem a pretty good brand for computer speakers, but I don't about portable audio players with them.

    Help? : D

    Edit: Sansa Clip+?
  2. dedboy

    dedboy Guest


    I was in college back when the Flintstones was a cutting edge drama. ::)

    So I'm out of date on that.

    I had a Zune, myself. Man that thing sucked.
    The best audio wise, that I had, was a Sweet Sony one(http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665791112). Yeah I know,it's Sony. But seriously, the noise could shatter glass, and make dogs howl. Even at 4P.M.
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Thanks for the link, from what i've found, there is one more MP3 player for me to consider. The Sansa Clip Plus.
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Let me know how it turns out. I just realized that the CD Walkman I grew up with are so totally out of date.. :'(
    Even cars from '79 are considered antiques.
    You young punks, get off my grass...
    I'm going to go eat for half price now,
    seniors discount! 8)
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have an iriver H320, they're hard to find but well worth the effort. theres also a H340, with a 40GB hard disk, but thats even harder to find, so I just got an H320 and put an 80GB hard disk in it. Sound quality is really good, battery life is about 13-16 hours and its capable of running the rockbox open source firmware. I don't use flac so I'm not sure if the official firmware supports it, but rockbox does.
  6. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    I just love listening to music. Whats your Favourite song???
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