remember the "all powerful" geforce GTX 280? still want to fork out over £400 for it? no? thought so... (contains SLi and Crossfire comparisons, too) ... HD 4870 pwns all cards before it - and i don't care if anyone says "the GTX 280 is a little faster", because the HD 4870 is more than a little cheaper. you could buy 2 HD 4870's and blitz the GTX 280 - i don't know what ATI have done but they've created an absolute beast, at midrange prices. and they are yet to release the X2 version of the HD 4870, also... and i find it odd, because on raw numbers the GTX 280 should have the lowly ATI card down and out (numbers alone, it isn't much different from the 3800 series) ... ok, that was the AMD/ATI fanboy in me taking control of that last bit, but come on - you have to admit nVidia are shaking now
no they aren't. ATI's drivers still suck, and crossfire is still inferior to SLI. All thats happened is that nvidia now have something to compete with. Until ATI MASSIVELY improve their drivers, and by that I mean ditch their sucky catalyst control center and go back to a sensible and functional control panel applet, and fix all the stupid crashes, and prevent VPU recover interfering with games, I won't touch them again.
boo... ruining my ATI parade i'd probably admit drivers could still use some work, but crossfire for this series seems to be working fine, now. it scaled properly in benchmarks (and didn't give adverse performance). and, there are way more crossfire boards from intel and amd than sli ones. yeah, catalyst could go, it's for n00bs - but still... look at the price... but then again, nvidia have 'CUDA, and that could easily be worked around to give some performance boosts. and nvidia gets cards shifting, while amd (stupidly) focus on the budget side of stuff.
i'm an ati fan. they are so cheap and if you look at the equivalent priced nvidia cards they are better. i like the idea that it costs less to upgraded more frequently. rather then putting your life savings in to a card that will need to be upgraded in a similar length of time
Although rather late, ATI has finally done well for itself again. I think it's sort of funny that they were able to hold their own in the high end of things (although still not winning) when their strategy was mostly just to fight for market share in the midrange GPUs.
The Geforce GTX 280 isn't that 'all powerful' at all. You're better off getting a 9800 GTX+ than a GTX280. It's cheaper and faster.
No, the GTX 280 is their most powerful single GPU card, you might be thinking of the 9800GX2 which is cheaper and more powerful from having two GPUs on it.