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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Discussion in 'Sony' started by seventhsage, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. seventhsage

    seventhsage Well-Known Member

    Bought this game thinking that it might be able to tear me away from new vegas (and all it's glitchy glory) for a while, and haven't put it down since... Assassin's creed was a good game, not great, but good, then 2 came along and cleaned up everything that 1 got wrong. Brotherhood came along and cleaned up the (very few) problems that 2 had. Replay memories at any time, carry 2h weapons with you, remove the defensive nature of combat with kill chains, horses inside towns. Local flavor (in AC2 you could only update your villa, in brotherhood, you can update all of freaking rome.) So don't get me wrong, this game rocks my happy socks... or something like that...


    anything you thought should have been in there that wasn't? maybe some of these ideas will slide their way into AC3.

    For me one thing was missing, dual wielding. If you go to saved data in AC2 and watch the cinematic that pops up as the icon for your save file, it shows Ezio wielding two pole weapons and smashing a guard in the head with one. That never happens in the game to the best of my knowledge, but I was hoping for a dual wield in Brotherhood. Even if it's limited to 2 daggers or 2 short swords, that would be fine... there's the 2 hidden blades, but that's more of a gameplay mechanic.

    anyone else?
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I really love this game with the game play mechanic and it deeper under laying story.

    I also like the new features such as the horses in towns and didn't aspects like crossbow and the online is just an amazing add on to a good story.
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Currently on i think Sequence 4, so far i am loving brotherhood, i am also enjoying playing it online on the Ps3, haven't played it in a few days though since i've been playing Fable 3 >.<