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Art Academy Save Problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by wasbeer500, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    I Know this game is DSi-enhanced.

    I have Acekard 2.1. with Akaio 1.7.1. but the game says:

    "Save File could not be accessed. Please Re-insert the game card and try again".

    This is AP? How to fix it?

  2. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    @ wasbeer500

    Check the rom settings at the game and look if the save type is unknown/auto, if not change it to unknown/auto.
    If it doesn't work after that delete your current save file and try again.

    This is no AP but the game does have AP, it freezes randomly.
  3. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    meh... they have to fix this for the ones without a SuperCard DSTWO, the game is awesome I can tell you ;)
  4. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    Do you have a SUPERCARD ? if you have one you're lucky

    Still, i hope the fix it fast for other cards, i have an acekard 2i, i can play it but just for a short time, and that's frustrating if your masterpiece can't be saved because it freezes.
  5. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    I did delete my save file, but I still can't start my game. It keeps saying:

    "The save data could not be accessed. Please turn off the power and reinsert the Game Card."

    Everytime I start, I keep getting this. Maybe I'm going to buy the game this afternoon... Is this a good idea? Or will you guys be SURE it will be cracked?
  6. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    I'm not 100% sure it will be cracked, though people on GBAtemp say that they're trying to create a fix/patch, but if you want to buy it, atleast wait another day to make sure there is no fix, i'm playing the japenese version now, and that one works fine, I think it won't be long before they make a patch.

    It's very strange that doesn't work, I've had the same problem, then I downloaded the 1.7.1 firmware and it worked after that.
  7. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    Okay, I uploaded my loaders again and now it works. I can get in. But when exactly does is freeze? :( :p
  8. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    It freezes at random, so I can't really say when it freezes, sometimes after 5 min and the other time after 2 min it's really an annoying AP
  9. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    Ok it did freeze. If the fix isn't here by two days, I will force myself to buy it :p
  10. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    no need to buy it:
    http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=46004.0 ;)
  11. wesley0104

    wesley0104 Active Member

    Thank you :)
  12. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    please leave a reply in that topic if it works or not.
  13. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    Thank you sooo very much Kiekoes. You're the BEST!