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Art Academy AP Topic (Includes Patched ROM)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    The new game Art Academy has Anti Piracy

    iND's Dump Works on:
    • SuperCard DSTWO with EOS v1.04
    • SuperCard DSONEi

    Download Patched ROM
    And unknown person copied all the text from the Europe version to the Japanese version.
    XXXX - Art Academy (ENG)(PATCHED) | MediaFire

    Patched Version Works on:
    • R4 with Wood R4 v1.11
    • Acekard2i with AKAIO 1.7.1

    Patched Version Doesn't Work on:
    • R4-III with YSMenu
    • M3DS Real with M3 Sakura
    • CycloDS with firmware 1.59

    Download other version of Patched ROM
    Use this version if the above version doesn't work.
    XXXX - Art Academy (ENG)(UNPATCHED) | MegaUpload

    Download ROM in other languages
    XXXX - Art Academy (SPA)(PATCHED) | MediaFire
    XXXX - Art Academy (FRA)(PATCHED) | MediaFire
    XXXX - Art Academy (GER)(PATCHED) | MediaFire
    XXXX - Art Academy (ITA)(PATCHED) | MediaFire
  2. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    thank you very much for the patched! It works on r4 Wood v 1.11. Thanks alot !! :)
  3. akfgpuppet

    akfgpuppet Member

    Will test with Akaio 1.7.1. and I will report back later!
  4. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    it also works with AKAIO 1.7.1

    Just to let you know. lol
  5. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    Then I think it will work with my Akaio 1.7.1. too :D
  6. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Is this game DSi? Is there a DSLite version? It doesn't work on my fake R4-III Upgrade with YSmenu.
  7. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    yes it is DSi, and no there's no DSlite version.
  8. mini_milner

    mini_milner New Member

    Anyone else have to wait ages for it to save?
  9. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

  10. mini_milner

    mini_milner New Member

    Maybe its because Im using a DSlite?
  11. hurpdurp0

    hurpdurp0 New Member

    Ok it doesn't freeze at random anymore using the patched rom (cyclods 1.59) but when I start it up again, it says the save data has been damaged and I have to start from scratch again.
  12. i also have to wait for ever when it saves
  13. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    added another version, try that one.
  14. ok
    EDIT:Now when i try to save the screen turns black:(
    Btw i use m3 sakura on m3 ds real.
  15. izzywizzy2009

    izzywizzy2009 Member

    Does the 'galery' work for anyone? can't seem to access it at all - using acekard 1.7
  16. wasbeer500

    wasbeer500 Well-Known Member

    No my galery doesn't work. I had images of the first 3 tutorials in there, and when I opened it, it was all being deleted. My save file was corrupted or something like that? Then I created my own thing and saved that, but then the same thing happened again. I don't like that :(

    However, there are no freezes. But this is just as annoying as that.
  17. izzywizzy2009

    izzywizzy2009 Member

    just downloaded the unpatched rom, so will try that one to see if the galerys working
  18. akfgpuppet

    akfgpuppet Member

    Works on DS Lite with Akaio 1.7.1
  19. duhizy

    duhizy Member

    all the words are f'ed up now and thers alot of spelling mistakes with words that dont even show up sometimes
  20. gamerzz1

    gamerzz1 Member

    all languages available in the europe version are not included in this patched version?
    there is only english?