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Aria of sorrow was better.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by manaseater, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    1. Aria of Sorrow
    tied for second. Order of Ecclesia
    tied for second. Circle of the Moon
    4. Dawn of Sorrow (if PoR sucks, but i doubt that- this will prolly be 5.)

    dawn of sorrow felt.. weak; stiff... there was no life in it for me. AoS just kicked so much ass, i played that game to 100% and was never bored.

    the music from CotM was amazing, even AoS., lol even OoE;

    i dunno maybe DoS was overhyped for me

    (im yet to play portrait of ruin)
    (this is handheld castlevanias only- harmony of dissonance didn't appeal to me, so i left it out)

  2. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Well i played DoS first and i found them almost the same. The music was awesome with both.

    I slightly preferred it on the DS because of the two screens only.
  3. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Not looking at a single word on your thread but the title, yes Aria of Sorrow was better
    Not changing my original statement but trust me, PoR would be second.
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I liked AoS more than DoS cause of Valkyrie soul and the Boss Rush Rifle (Hate the RPG)
    I also hated DoS's art,Soma's hair looked really weird >_>

    (Off-topic but I think I'm probably one of the very few that liked HoD >_> )
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Only thing I disliked about Dawn of Sorrow was that damn diagram you had to draw every time you killed a boss. Beyond that, it was good IMO.

    Portrait of Ruin was a fun game and I really like Order of Ecclesia. Aria of Sorrow was an excellent game as well too.

    I absolutely <3 Curse of Darkness though. Most people don't like the 3D castlevania games but that one was easily the best of the lot so far. Lords of Shadow might knock it off that pedestal when it comes out in October though if the reviews for it are any indication.
  6. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    No way, having to use the useless fairy to press a button in the middle of nowhere was epic, Lords of Shadow won't even come close. Did you finish your chair collection?
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I love DoS/AoS mainly because the replay value is much higher than the others, i've replayed it many times just to use different souls/abilities, also, 'Julius Mode' was awesome (even had a better story than the main game). IIRC the soul system was much improved on in DoS, had more benefits than in AoS.
    The game never gets old for me. The only shitty aspect was the game's main story, i can easily overlook that touch screen boss input, it didn't exactly hamper the game.

    The 3D games don't compare to the 2D imo, the environments are either dull/samey, or they suffer from too noticeable flaws (controls, camera etc.). I have played few of the 3D though.
  8. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    i love the AoS valkyrie soul! 'fukuga - wushhhinnggg' hehe....

    i think i really should give HoD a try one day, my little bro loves that game-

    Did anyone else know what i meant though? I felt the color palate was bit dull aswell, and fusing spirit for a claimh solais? puleeze...

    i think im being a bit harsh... ill try to be more open minded about DoS...
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I really liked DoS. I don't know why, but I really like it.

    In comparison, Order of Ecclesia was very weak. It was short, required little grinding, and was disappointing on many levels. Been trying to sell the game for ages, but nobody even wants it for $12.

    Never played AoS. Haven't really played much Castlevania period. I'll eventually play AoS and Symphony of the Night though.