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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spyder, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. Spyder

    Spyder Guest

    Heya folks. Just wanted to vent out some anger at my ISP for being such bischnazes (i'm sure you can figure that one out on your own) and plugging my net for non-payments of bills. I mean, how silly isn't THAT?!?!!?!11!?!!!1

    Yeah, so i've lost my internet and won't be online for much =(
  2. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    Dont worry spyder, well make sure this site is still running even when your not here ;D :p, nawww thats too bad hope you get that problem resolved, well until you get your issue done, I know that feeling does bastards hate em.........I remembered when they cut my internet because I got it late, and they say ohh well well you were 1 week past due, and if you want your internet back you gotta pay, motha f****s damn contract says no need to pay until next billing cycle if you dont then they cut of your internet, so I cut it off with out paying....they are the ones that broke it, not me.....so I switched to cable no commitments ad no hassle. althought I had cable not anymore :p now Im using a wireless adaptor to get internet of my buddy for free muahahahha with good speed, muahahahahaa ;D :p
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Damnit, don't make you not paying your bills be our loss. =/
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Back when I was on dial-up, I had a lot of fights with my ISP, I think my favorite one was when they switched the phone numbers on us.

    I tried getting on the internet, and BOOM, I see a picture of the staff for my ISP, telling me to switch to a different phone number, I figured what the hell, and did so.

    When I tried using the phone number I switched to, it went even slower and barely worked at all. (It took me 10 minutes just to load the home page, THE HOME PAGE FOR FUCKS SAKE!)

    Needless to say, I switched it back to the old phone number after they closed, and it worked like a charm.

    Next day, they call me, asking me why I switched the phone number back, and I told them that since I have to deal with the shitty connection rates they're giving me as it is, I want it at least fast enough that it doesn't take 10 fucking minutes to load the home page.

    Tried logging onto the internet again, got an error stating that I abused my privileges and that I was supposed to contact the administrator, I barely kept myself from throwing the computer out the window.

    Happily enough though, I finally got broadband available in my area, called them up and after they sent me the stuff, I installed it, called my old ISP and told them to cancel their services for my house and to go fuck themselves, and I've been perfectly content with my broadband ever since.

    I know what it's like to deal with retarded ISPs believe me.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Me too. I have a backup connection that runs off the cellphone network. Coverage is crap, and when it says I can get the higher speed, it drops back to the lower one within seconds, usually before I've even hit 'connect'. It happily tells me I am connected at 384Kbps (think low-speed broadband) but the throughput is consistent with dial-up :(. Our good friend Jarrett has reliably informed me that the technology my modem runs on when its in low speed mode is limited to 52Kbps, so its a lying bitch. I have once got on at the higher speed, but it only lasted 10-20 seconds before falling back to lower speed. The ISP said its cos I went out of 3G coverage, but the comp was sitting on my desk at the time, so either this building moves, the transmission mast moves, or the ISP are talking through their arse. Worst thing is, I pay £18 (Roughly $36) per month for a 36MB transfer allowance on this piece of shit. I have no choice, because my university IT staff are idiots and the network often goes down for days at a time with no warning before and no apology after. :(