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are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such]?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ultra, Oct 5, 2007.


are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such]?

  1. 100 percent as long i don't pay the cost

    0 vote(s)
  2. split half way

    0 vote(s)
  3. no way in hell

    0 vote(s)
  4. 100 percent as long i don't pay the cost

    0 vote(s)
  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i'm just curious as too how many people are into this idea of trying to save the earth.

    btw, why doesn't china go for nuclear energy when it can power enough of their country instead of coal? would it be good?
  2. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    i would love to do this at no matter what cost
    it just would be too much
    my ex is a vegan
    and that is an expensive bill
  3. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    in serbija there is desolate lands with high winds
    could they add an income to their country by puting in wind silos?
    that would be able to populate tons of electrcy
    i just think that we should stay away from nuke power as much as possiable
    it just makes me leery
    you know, if a a-bomb hit one?
  4. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    i agree with that solar power and using natural sources [winds and dams and such], but what do you do if you lack those things? what do you do with the left overs from the nuclear waste??
  5. Ceraziefish

    Ceraziefish New Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    Yeah, nuclear power is no good in my book. Solar energy is pretty cool, but I hear the panels, once they get thrown away, are pretty toxic in themselves.

    If I felt like I could actually trust the government to handle nuclear waste well, I'd be all for it, heh. As it is, the risk of meltdown is too great. I suppose you could launch nuclear waste into space or something (I think there might be an episode of Star Trek about that, actually, or maybe I'm just thinking that there should've been an episode of Star Trek about it).

    It's pretty stupid that China is using coal power.

    There's lots of alternative energy sources, though, like people have mentioned -- hydroelectric dams are great (I live in the Seattle area and we get a good chunk of our power from huge dams up in the mountains) but do have a few environmental drawbacks. Ditto for machines that harness tidal energy.

    There's really no way to generate electricity without hurting the environment somehow, no matter how small, so realistically we should just try to cut down on our usage (even just little things like turning off your monitor when not using your computer, turning off lights when not in a room, etc).
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Yes there is: geothermal power.
  7. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    Yes although nuclear is more enviro friendly its the waste product that causes the problem as there is still no way to safely discard it, not only that im sure we all remember what happens when a nuclear plant goes up, with that many people in china coal is a much safer alternative.
    I agree with solar and wind, however damming rivers I do not, I have assessed the impact of hydroelectric dams here and I have to say its not good (ecosystem wise, remember that sustainability has to account for the ecosystem and work within it, not over it).
    This is a bad thread for me to find lol im probly romulations official greeny, have just about finished my diploma in Environmental Management and Conservation (end of this year) so im well informed, knowledgeable and could sit in here and discuss all day :)
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    geothermal energy?? what if the heat is gone, will it be gone forever or will it come back?

    damns are okay, but it does hurt the eco system [both the human and natural system]. it effects the marine life and the people who live and depend on the water.

    nuclear isn't a good alternative because with the left over waste, you either have to leave it somewhere and let it decompose naturally, send it out into space, recycle it or reuse it somehow. most of the ideas are either too expensive which is why there are people who dump nuclear waste anywhere.

    btw, i never realized that solar panel materials were dangerous to the environment.
    also, are the polar bears thriving??
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    If the heat is gone, you wont be worrying about it, as the planet would be unable to support life.
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    :D lol
  11. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    geothermal is too local/ isolated, Wave and tidal so far looks the most promising, though more research needs to be done.
    And no the polar bears are screwed, as are tigers and cheaters.
  12. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if I should be all that worried about saving the earth.

    It's a big world with a whole lot of people on it. We cannot sustain ourselves with the current population without messing up the world. Can I change that? No. Can everybody here on romulation together change that? No. Can events like Live Earth change that? No. So why bother about something you cannot change anyway?

    Fossile fuels are bad on a short term, but don't forget, they have always been here on this planet since it existed. They are plants after all. The world will survive, don't worry about that. That we humans won't survive, is very likely. Too bad, we're not perfect.
    The same goes for the nuclear stuff. The waste is just another element in the list of 118 elements we know of. It is just part of life. Ok, so we (living things) are affected by it. Well, that's evolution for you again. We are just not perfect.
    And if you really want to get rid of the nuclear waste, I have two solutions: 1: Put it really deep in a mountain or volcano. 2: Shoot it into the sun.

    In my opinion, don't bother too much with things you cannot change anyway. There are enough things that you can fix, to think about anyway.
  13. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    lol as cynical as they come...^^^

    A) fossil fuels have not been here since this planet existed, the bulk of them have been created in short bursts, ice ages and the like when there were mass extinctions (so yep im pretty sure in a few million years we will all be fossil fuels, ironic isn't it...)
    B) Its the rate we're using them thats the problem
    C) Yes you can change something, fact probly is that its too late, but is that any reason to make things worse?
    D) First law of thermodynamics and physics is matter can not be created or destroyed, dumping nuclear waste into a volcano is likely to spread the problem, not fix it, and good luck sending it to the sun :-\
    E) Dont bag on live earth and such, awareness is the first and biggest problem in the first place.
    F) If for nothing else do it for your kids or your grandkids man, cause at the moment your shitting all over them.
  14. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    [start mindless rant]

    being environmentally friendly is too little too late. china are building the 3 gorges dam (the biggest damn... dam anywhere) and can you imaging the negative environmental impact dams have?

    dams eventually fill up with soot and decrease in efficiency, solar power only works when it's sunny, giant wind turbnes are bad for bats, nuclear power - need i remind anybody of chernoble? - making cars more fuel efficient won't mean a bloody thing if people are buying more of them, telling people to switch off lights and all will only mean there's more left over electricity for someone else to use up.

    don't get me wrong, being eco friendly is good and all, but it's futile - and blaming china or india or other countries isn't the right way to go because during the industrial revolution the emmisions from europe and america was just as bad. they're only catching up, and they have a right to, too.

    and big businesses carbon off-setting schemes only make people think they're doing the right thing.

    switching to biofuels? nope. brazil do it so well because they pretty much harvest their crops by hand. tell america to do it and they'll bring out their hefting tractors that eat diesel and transport that fuel on 18 wheeled rigs, still eating diesel, making pretty much all benefits of biofuels void because they still produce emmisions. plus you'd get less space to make food.

    i live in reading and here they have busses that "run on environmentally friendly bio-fuels". sit on your bike and start tailing it and when you get admitted to hospital with lung cancer tell the world that these things don't work.

    somebody suggested to me "why don't we blast our [nuclear] waste into space?": will an umbrella protect you from a 3 KG lump of uranium hurtles towards you if the rocket decides to blow up?

    scientists sitting around discussing things isn't going to save the world. action by now is futile. humanity is clinging onto a false hope and the only thing we can do is try and minimize the effects by buying into these low carbon scams car companies make: namely honda, out of their vast number of cars they've built they only have 1 car which they think can save the environment and suddenly theyre the good guys in this whole farce. 1 might as well stick a 9 voilt battery in a hummer, it'll make about as much difference to the world as if i did my bit to stop emmissions by not farting

    i use energy efficient lightbulbs and turn everything off and recycle as much as i can and don't drive (haven't got a licence yet) i ride to places and i breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen from my ****... but you don't see my efforts saving the world. to me, i don't see any point, to me oing this is a way of life i decided upon years ago.

    [end mindless rant]
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It will make a difference; the earth has a remarkable way of healing itself, but making the wound bigger is counterproductive. The areas surrounding Chernobyl are returning to normal, slowly, it is true, but they are recovering.

    This might also be a good time to point out the that the chernobyl disaster was caused by a combination of human stupidity and poor reactor design, it isn't an inherent flaw in the concept of nuclear power.
  16. beundertaker

    beundertaker Active Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    I believe the best way create power is from fusion or solar energy. Although solar power is still early, it probably won't be mastered for another 50 years.

    I like nuclear energy for right now. Nuclear plants are quite safe in the U.S. since the regulations have been massively improved since that accident in 4 mile island (or something like that) in Jersey in the 70s. The U.S. wants to dig a huge hole to store the access material that comes from the nuclear energy. They want this hole started around 2011 I believe.

    Until we get more reliable energy, we should use nuclear. Doesn't create any pollution either.
  17. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    the sheep there are still radioactive... if you lived there your cells will still be bombarded by radioactive particles, slowly killing you and if you manage to get away in time you'll only have a serious form of cancer - radiation can and will easily last for over 1000 years - no one has lived long enough to make sure
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    wrong, the duration the radiation lasts depends on the type and the half-life (length of time for half the atoms to decay), as does the damage it does. The most ionising radiation, Alpha radiation is virtually harmless to humans as it has a range of a few cm in air and can be blocked by a piece of paper. The only way alpha radiation can harm is if it is directly ingested. Beta radiation takes a bit more to block, but still is not very penetrating. The danger comes from gamma sources, which can penetrate several feet of steel. With regards to Chernobyl, the main isotopes released were Caesium-137 with a half-life of 30 years, caesium-134 with a half-life of 2 years, strontium-90 with a half-life of 29 years and iodine-131 with a half-life of 8 days. This means that all the iodine-131 and caesium-134, which were the most ionising isotopes, have decayed entirely and are no longer present. There is also significantly less of the other two isotopes present.
  19. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    ok, and we are going to trust these people with putting nuclear waste in a hole in the earth?
    all i can see in my mind is the movie dune, big giant worms

    nuclear not creating pollution? ummm, that is what the waste they want to bury

    shit why can't they just legalize pot and use the hemp oil for gas
    dude jefferson said that it would raise the economy because its easy to grow and everyone could have their hands in it
    humans are just a virus
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: are you in support for going green [environmental friendly and such and such

    so are you telling us that you are willing to live in a place where it has been used for dumping radioactive substance??