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Are you good in your studies?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by questXtreme, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    As in,do you get good grades in school?Or are you smart but just lazy?
    For me,I'm not what you would call intelligent,but at least I manage to get a 65% overall percentage for my studies.

    Now,I just need to get straights A's,then my parents will finally buy a Nintendo Wii for me.Not that I don't have the money,they just don't let me buy it.
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    I've always struggled in school, I'm really intelligent but the school system didn't support my learning as i have trouble get stuff from my head to paper. but now i have some relay good tutors who have given me a chance to show me intelligence in different ways so I'm doing really well in my studies now
  3. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    Wow,lucky you.I'm not really struggling,but I'm doing well either...Sigh...I'm just too..lazy.I usually find all sorts of excuses for me to avoid doing my homework and studying.And I only study the day before a test or an examination. :-X
  4. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I'm doing okay... B+ to A.
  5. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Average around 7.5 to 8 for my Master courses, which is quite good.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i slack off and am very lazy. i get grades from c's to b's. i majored in eletrical engineering [tried for 4 years] but failed twice in physics not due to the lack of studying but due to the fact that i never got into the conversions and such and combining equations. sometimes i get the right answers but the book would give it in an alternate form [instead of pounds they would use grams or instead of inches they would use centimeter or meters]. science is better of as a science fiction discussion rather then actually doing it.

    i'm now part time and my age is ticking towards 30 and need to get a college diploma quick. easiest answer. history. the one problem with history courses is that the students and professors are stupid, where stupid is termed where the professor assumes you know things from before the current course your taking. you're taking modern europe [starts from french revolution, 1789, to world war 2 or later] and the professor and some of the classmates would use information from the previous course of modern europe and those who never took it are lost. with history course, you do need to read the book as you need to khow what the author is talking about and you need the information to back up your answers when asked to answer essay questions. the good professors are those that do explain themselves and use their own materials.

    with math and science courses, i found that you barely need to read the book unless to practice some questions and homework. the teacher teaches you the stuff, while history professors sometimes just form a discussion about the read materials and if you did not read. boy oh boy. :p :-[ ???

    the problems with math and science is that it is directly from the book and is a waste. i should have read it myself then pay this guy or girl to so called teaching it to me.
  7. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    I didn't do any work in high school and graduated with a 3.7 or so, but now in college it's catching up with me as I now have about a 2.7. Man did I slack off in my freshman year, I almost got kicked out for having a GPA below 2.0, but now I've been working my ass off to get it back up. I guess I'm doing okay now to have gotten up a whole point in one year, but I still want to get it up to a 3.0.
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I get pretty good grades in subjects. Except in Maths and Science which I'm terrible at. I tend to get Merits and Excellences (what they use in NZ, so Excellence would be an A etc.) at all my tests.
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    all memorization here, barely any practical stuff, huge difference from ym schooling in the US, so I'm actually doing alright, nearly to honors though...

    In the US i had a 4.0 average...
  10. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    I get As on subjects that I find interesting

    Then to Subjects that I don't care about, which are alot get Cs XD

    The school system sucks, tries to put everyone through their cookie cutter and if you don't conform you're dead
  11. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    80-95% I'd say, an occasional C, but usually B's or A's
  12. mekusho

    mekusho Well-Known Member

    Usually A's. Sometime B's.
    I'm pretty smart for my age, I've learned all they're going to learn next year, and I'm, just in my free time learning what we normally learn in about 2 years here. I'm not really a geek, I don't study a lot, just read a lot, I never do my homework, am always late at school, always sleep in class, and sometimes get involved in big fights.
    I am the laziest person you will ever meet.
    I kinda think that school is stupid. I mean come on, they don't even manage the school system well enough.
    I think they should add something like a ''love'' class, where they teach you about respect and stuff.
    People grow up and get too damn cocky, it's just the governements fault. I think that the governement should rather be made out of people that have a lot of experience in socialism and know how to respect others and not judge books because of the covers. After that the brains come. That would make the world a much better place.
    Ohh woah, I kind of drifted off...
    But yeah I am really good in studies and I'm thinking of skipping 2 years of school, here in France we do an examen at the last year of high school and that determins whether you are qualified to go to college or not, but we do have the ability to do it when we feel like it, like I can do it know, but I know I'll fail.
    Sorry for writing a book haha ;)
  13. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    usually B... sometimes A... but fortunately never C...

    i'm a college student by the way...