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Are there Any Prentenders In The Gaming Bussiness Anymore?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by sexywogboy, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Back in the old days of the gaming days things were so very different to how things are today. Today, we hear about our favourite Videogame being released over 12 months before its planned release date, we're able to download games from the internet for free and we also have very easy access to videogame reviews. These mentioned features were certainly not available 10-20 years ago.

    In 1982 there was the largely anticipated release of E.T for the Atari 2600. I don't really have to go in to larger detail with this game...to make it simple, it was crap! But even though gamers back then found out quickly how crap it was, it still managed to sell 1.5 Million copies. Would something as crazy as people buying 1.5 Million copies of a shit ass game today be even possible? I don't think so, in fact most of the most beautifully created games don't even go on to sell 1.5 Million copies.

    So you're probably thinking to yourself, "Why make this thread, Raysie?". I made this thread for a few reasons:

    1. I'm bored as hell.
    2. I love chatting about the history and present of gaming.
    3. Is Piracy such a bad thing?

    Today, piracy is one of the most common illegal activities on this planet. But is piracy really that bad? Piracy gives us not only the chance to replay our old games, but it also gives us as possible purchasers the chance to buy a good/great game rather then a huge dissapointment and let down on what we thought "looked" like a good game. There is no doubt that most pirates don't care enough to think twice about the money put into games from publishers and hard work put in from developers to actually go out and buy a game, no matter how great and how much they enjoyed their downloaded game, but...as negative as the effects of piracy are, they do bring one HUGE positive, and that is it makes it harder and harder for the "Pretenders" in the gaming business to survive.

    There is no doubt that if a game like E.T was released today (Of course with our technological standards), that there would be absolutely no possible way the game would sell 1.5 Million copies. Piracy gives us the chance to play a game for free to see for ourselves if a game is REALLY worth the money we purchase it for. Now I'm in no way standing by piracy either, as I do believe that gaming developers deserve the recognition in the time taken to create their game, but what about the pretenders that create games that look great but are terrible and stressful to even think why you purchased it in the first place? Do they deserve the same/more recognition and profit that a developer that put time and effort into a gaming masterpiece would/should get? I don't think so!

    These days have changed so much in the Gaming Universe that companies can no longer afford to even be a pretender anymore. Games, especially for the PS3 and 360 are now made with a lot more effort and cost the same to develop as a blockbuster film would cost to create. There just isn't time for pretenders anymore, we can easily fish out a pretender with all our future accessible services; Piracy and Online Reviews, and thank god for that! Yes, we still see our odd terrible games on shelves (Especially with consoles such as the DS and Wii), but I'd like to think thanks to Piracy and Online Reviews that there is certainly a larger percentage of higher standard videogames then there are terrible videogames on shelves.

    Anyway, I thought this would be a great discussion and debate between all us great members of Romulation. I hope you've enjoyed the rant and read.

    - Raysie.
  2. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    First of all, PLEASE fix your title. It's confusing and doesn't fit your post very well :eek:

    Also, I don't think that "pretenders" is the correct term. IMO there are MORE pretenders than ever now due to the growth of the gaming industry, and the limited amount of tried and true game concepts. (for example, Rock Band is a "pretender" of Guitar Hero, yet both have sold well). I think it's more the fact that companies can't afford to be unoriginal much longer. Instead of using "big names" or continuing series of games, actual CREATIVITY is needed as to survive in the current markets.
  3. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    How doesn't it fit my post? You've actually directly answered the heading that I provided.

    Also, I thnk you're quite incorrect using the Rockband series as a pretender. Harmonix, the people behind Rockband are actually the original developers of Guitar Hero....so a little bit of fact is needed when arguing.

    What I meant by pretenders are the gaming publishers and developers releasing terrible games just for the soul purpose of profit. Yes, we still see terrible games today....But it's so much harder for them to surivive in the gaming business due to developing costs, online reviews and piracy.
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    If open ended emulation, as in home brew titles were to be non-existent, we wouldn't have some nifty games, that focus on originality, over graphics and outright violence. The 2600, I had Intellivision back when as well, and call me jaded, but the NES/Famicom is by far the king of all systems, at least that is my opinion. But your title is a question that answers itself, as it is a business after all, and whatever sells will still dominate the marketplace
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Just the way I see it, too many "clones" and "movie cash in's are what's annoying me.

    We had guitar freaks before guitar hero, and while I enjoy number 3, world tour and metallica, I think it's about time they kinda stopped...now we have dj hero-what's next "piano hero" XD

    And about the comment about ET, I bet (with a new block buster movie) it would sell millions as kids are dumb enough to buy shovel ware still...I mean, I don't care what people say, wtf is with the concept for the recent logo games like lego star wars FFS!

    If they done a completly original adventure game without a licence, maybe I'd think about it.

    And...sooner or later piracy would take over again once the econamy picks up, why blue ray disc may be $20 now...but one day they will ethier get cheaper, or we get rich enough to not care-and someone out there will find a flaw in the ps3's defences...even if the console becomes obsolute giving hackers something that isn't well guarded.

    Shovel ware sells, and at one point it almost killed the video game industry until the NES with ROB showed up and gave it new life...this is why I chose the path on nintendo despite having sony consoles present.
  6. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    A more appropriate title would be "would pretenders SURVIVE in the gaming business anymore?", because there are ALWAYS going to be LOTS of pretenders/ copycats/clones in the gaming industry; it's a redundant question.

    Also, what I meant, was not Rock Band vs Guitar Hero per se (they were the names at the top of my head) but the entire music based games genre that exploded after the success of the first Guitar Hero. You can only take so much "press button while music plays" before the concept becomes dull and uncreative.
  7. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    I love the technology of today... modifications of games are possible and downloading classics for free is a major plus, I love the internet and there is no way to stop it