Re: are seph and loonylions is a friends?? Usually admin are friends or else they wouldn't be able to work together as well as they do. I put up with rock on our site.
Re: are seph and loonylions is a friends?? I would question that they is a friends. I would hazard a guess that they were friends, though.
Re: are seph and loonylions is a friends?? As in we've known each other for a long, long time. But not as in we've met in real life.
Re: are seph and loonylions is a friends?? LOL loonylionS?? how many loonylion admins are here on romU?
I'm mearly assuming the OP may not use english as their primary language, not that there is anything wrong with that, in time they shall pick up enough to be helping others So a typical internet friendship, where 2 people meet but not/never in real life. I got a few people like that