I'm not entirely sure whether or not I'm permitted to ask this here, but I hope so. If not, feel free to close it. I'm currently studying software engineering at a technical university. Sadly, the focus of my education is more on the business side of things than on the actual programming. I'm a decent Python hacker, and I know a fair bit of PHP, Javascript, Java, Lua and a tiny bit of C#, but I'm definitely no master programmer. Because I'm kind of bored at the moment, I would like to create a small arcade game of some sort. As I'm currently involved in too large of a number of long term projects, I'm not looking to start another project that will take years to finish. I would just like to get some mental exercise and work on a game that I can finish in a week or two. So we're talking simple things here. Things like pong, snake, or things like that. Arcade games that have simple game mechanics around which the game is centered. Right now I'm looking for ideas on things to make. I have already made pong and snake clones, so none of that please. Just keep it simple. Originality is good, but it doesn't have to be anything extraordinarily ground breaking. Thank you for your help!
I think you're highly underestimating the amount of work that goes into creating something like that. I'm not sure what constitutes a "gun game", but unless you mean something like Duck Hunt (which would be kind of a cool idea, now that I think about it), it would be too hard and take too long. A shoot em up would require not only the physics of a platformer, but also some kind of serialized level system, a pretty extensible collision detection system, and a buttload of graphics. (EDIT: I thought you meant shoot'em'up as in a Contra type of game) A beat em up would probably be the hardest of the ideas so far. Thanks for taking the time to give me suggestions, but you need to think simpler. I'm not looking to spend more than couple of days or a few weeks at most. Of course I don't expect to have a flawless game by then, but at least a working prototype.
i hope you dont take this the wrong way, but i like the graphics, no question about it, but looking at the screenshots, the game lacks the "wow" factor for a shoot 'em up.
That's because it has been in development for three days. That's a crazy short time to get anything done. I'm looking at particle effects for explosions, thrusters, etc. But it takes some fancy math to get it done. EDIT: I take that back. It doesn't take that much fancy math. However, it does take a couple of ceremonial sacrifices, at least one fertility dance session, and some ancient incantations recited over a basket of four-leaf clovers. EDIT2: After finding a shaman, a leprechaun and and a couple of dead chickens, I have now started implementing some particle physics. It's not a lot at the moment, but it is fiddly as shit to get this working properly. The screenshot on the page I linked to has been updated.