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AR codes not working on an NDSTTi

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Lourde, Jul 19, 2009.

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  1. Lourde

    Lourde New Member

    ::EDIT:: Ok, figured it out. I created the file properly, just didn't put it in the right place. :-X

    Everything's working now. ::/EDIT::

    Ok, I usually don't cheat on my games, but I wanted to get the downloadable "AcidArrest" battlecard for Megaman Starforce 3 that Capcom currently has up on the Wii's Nintendo Channel as a free promo. Since the download doesn't work with flashcards, that means I need an AR code. I found one at a Megaman forum that I like to hit up, but I'm not sure if I've created the usrcheat.dat file properly since it doesn't show up under my Cheat tab in the NDSTTi's main menu.

    I created the DAT file using r4cce. The game ID is CRBE 7AE1AAEC, the code is:

    9216A088 00001869
    0216A080 A8014901
    0216A084 E0198001
    0216A088 00001234
    D0000000 00000000

    I made sure not to encrypt the file since the tutorial I was going by said not to do that if you were making it with R4cce to use on the DSTT, but I must be missing something...

    Also, I somehow have a cheat database for Contact (not sure where it came from since I've never used it), but it's saved as "CONTACT.AR" instead of as an entry in a usrcheat.dat database; I didn't HAVE a usrcheat.dat until creating this one for MMSF3. Should I somehow be making *.AR files instead, maybe with a different utility?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You can always just get a database from http://cheats.gbatemp.net. Saves the hassle of your making your own.
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