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Anyway to update R4DS Cheats?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by xXBuddahXx, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. xXBuddahXx

    xXBuddahXx New Member

    Well some games do and some games dont have the cheat feature on my R4. Is there a way to update em, and add new cheats or do i have to wait for a new firmware or somethng? also If i can is it going to be simple as adding codes to a txt or ini or....?
  2. gareth26

    gareth26 New Member

    i don't really know if it is possible to update it. So until u can find a solution, your just gonna have 2 live with the fact that some games can have cheats and some cant
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I would imagine it is part of the firmware, but someone with an R4 will need to confirm.
  4. gareth26

    gareth26 New Member

  5. myuusmeow

    myuusmeow Active Member

    It's just a simple file. :p

    (register on GBATemp to find it, he requested people to just go to GBATemp) (BIG THANKS to Rayder)
    Has all the latest codes for all the latest games.

    Then just copy it to your _system_ folder, and delete the cheat.dat file.
  6. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    There is a program for download called Action Replay Code Manager that will find all AR codes for you, After this runs and you choose the cheats you want the saved XML file needs to be put into another program (cant remember for the life of me what) that will save it as a cheat file for your R4.
  7. digirob89

    digirob89 Member

    Check out the official site for R4. www.r4ds.com

    There is a file in the download section that shows how to add user created cheats along with a program to edit with.
  8. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    Yep! That's a huge mega-usrcheat.dat right there. All the cheats from the official R4 cheat.dat are in there plus most of the newest games. Zelda was just added very early this morning. You might want to bookmark that link. Whenever I update the file, I use the same link. The file tends to get updated quite often. The sheer number of codes in the dat means that I can't possibly test them all, so some codes may just not work, or some may conflict with others, so watch out for that. Every game in the dat also has the backlight codes added to them too. The backlight codes let you adjust the backlight in-game. There is an option for the DSlite and the DSphat <-original style DS) It works great for most games. I have noticed that it can cause the sound in Zelda to turn off though. When that happens, you'll have to reboot the DS to get the sound back. I imagine that Zelda uses some of the same triggers that the code does and therefore conflict somehow. The awesome backlight code was made by a dude named chishm.

    I would just like to make a little disclaimer....

    I didn't create ANY of the codes. I just collect them from around the net and add them to the dat. I do not make any profit by providing this dat. It's for everyone with an R4/M3. Enjoy!
  9. goggthegrunt

    goggthegrunt New Member

    The link is dead. I hope you fix it soon. :-[
  10. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    Link works for me... Otherwise, try google it! ;)
  11. myuusmeow

    myuusmeow Active Member

    He just changed it to a cheat.dat instead of a usrcheat.dat, so use

    (register on GBATemp to find it, he requested people to just go to his sig on GBATemp)
  12. goggthegrunt

    goggthegrunt New Member

  13. vozman

    vozman New Member

    the link is broken...
  14. myuusmeow

    myuusmeow Active Member

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  15. jzwilliams

    jzwilliams Member

    He once again removed or renamed the file, whatta punk... someone upload it on sendspace here or something