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Anyone know about eznuke?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fallen_angel4155, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. yesterday i decided to take the advice of a member on here named tapwatah and start a site and forum for gamer girlz like chibigamer and myself.so us girls can get to gether and do our thing. well i set my site up through eznuke an was working fine yesterday. well i wanted to do a lot of work on it today, and all day anytime i tried to get to it or any other eznuke site IE said page cannot be displayed. over and over again. i tried firefox as well thinking maybe it's just something screwy with internet explorer. and the same thing says cannot connect to server. anyone know what would be going on? i am in the dark here and a little mad to have a cool site for a couple of hours then have it ripped from me.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    sounds like an issue with your hosting service.
  3. thats what i think now. i had chibi check it out for me cause i thought it was my computer being stupid, but she said she couldn't get to it either so i think your right. must be the server. i hope they get it fixed soon, cause i am itching to work on it
  4. It's Finally back up. it's about friggin time. i am so thankfull it's up cause i need something to do after the crappy day that i had