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Anyone have R4i Gold Plus card?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by joesmith, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. joesmith

    joesmith New Member

    I'm considering getting either an Acekard 2i or a R4i Gold Plus but havent read anything about the quality or reliability of the R4i Gold Plus. I don't want to buy a piece of crap and later regret it and I know the Acekard 2i has a good reputation so that's why the Acekard 2i is at the top of my list. There are a couple of things I really like about the R4i Gold Plus vs Acekard 2i. The biggest is the R4i Gold Plus can be updated without needing a DS Lite which is a big selling point. The Gold Plus also appears to get more updates and faster. Does anyone know anything about the R4i Gold Plus card? Is it a good card, have any problems or issues?
  2. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    read this sticky topic very good.
  3. joesmith

    joesmith New Member

    Thanks, I read it before I posted and didnt see any info regarding the R4i Gold Plus. I have read people like the R4i Gold and say it is a good card even if it does borrow its name from the original R4 cards. Im guessing the R41i Gold Plus is borrowing from the R4i Gold name. I know they are all trying to market the cards with popular names but the biggest concern to me that is no matter what they call the card, is it good and how well it works.
  4. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    i just ordered i will give u a review
  5. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    If I were you, I'd go with the Acekard 2i. It can update with a DSi as long as you haven't updated the DSi firmware. If you haven't then great. If you have, then find a DS Lite. I have an Acekard 2i and I love it. It has AKAIO which makes it awesome, so I definitely recommend getting one. If there isn't much on the R4i Gold Plus card, then don't buy it. If you do want an R4, get an R4i Gold 3DS. It's reasonably cheap, and it has great game support plus it has Wood R4. Both cards that I have just mentioned are very good.
  6. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    the r4i gold plus can run wood xD
  7. Crazyplayboy

    Crazyplayboy Well-Known Member

    Really ? it can run wood ? i thought only r4i gold from r4ids.cn can run wood firmware.
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    The R4i Plus cannot run wood. As you probably know, the only version of Wood for the R4i, is for the R4i Gold 3DS.
  9. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    ill post a video on how my r4i gold plus runs on wood
  10. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    You do that. And make sure you show us the flashcard.
  11. joesmith

    joesmith New Member

    From what I have read elsewhere the R4i Gold Plus is a cart made by people who split from the R4i Gold team. Hopefully that's a good sign the cart will be well supported. I went ahead and ordered the cart because I like the fact if you updated firmware on a DSi or 3DS you don't need a separate DS lite to update the cart. I'm getting this as a present and could easily see the person I'm getting it for accidentally updating firmware so this cart is good option for me. Hopefully it continues to be well supported. Also, looking forward to seeing the guide on how to put wood firmware on this thing.
  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Look mate, Wood doesn't work on it. Face the truth. I hope the card you get is worth buying, and I suggest doing a review about it and posting it here on RomU.
  13. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    how would u know that it works or not?
    do u own it? do you?
  14. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Because no one has talked 'bout it except you. If we had seen more of this then maybe, but becuase you just suddenly say Wood is working on it is most likely false. Give me proof and I'll say 'sorry'. But without proof and putting you down as a lying bastard.

    Give me proof and I'll forgive you. But proof is needed to make people believe that it works.
  15. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    c3p is right there are many clones out there there maybe a possibility for wood to work on your cart but its a 30% chance
  16. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    i will give u proof when i fix my cam
  17. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Oh, of course your camera is broken. What about your SD card, is that broken as well (sarcastic tone)
  18. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    no that works =)
  19. joesmith

    joesmith New Member

    After having some time to use this flashcart I would not recommend it until the firmware is fixed. There are way too many roms that give the error message: "[Rom loading failed] savfile not founded!" "Please restart system" From what I have read it seems this is a bug in DSTT based firmware. In order to get past this you have to rename the rom file either in lowercase or without spaces or both. Its a lot of trial and error to get many roms to work. This is way too big a hassle when there are better flashcart options out there. Until the R4i Gold Plus team gets this corrected I would not recommend getting one of these carts. I will say the firmware upgrade process was very easy and went flawless but the problems with loading certain roms is a big negative.
  20. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Nice to know. If I were you, get an orginal cart (not a clone of something).

    These carts are the:

    R4 Orginal