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Anyone else?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by boredsimon, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. boredsimon

    boredsimon Well-Known Member

    So, while i was surfing the web, i came across a piece about a form of music theory
    called Audiation.

    Now, i am a piano player and obviously, this came across as interest to me.
    anyone else know about this?

    Does anyone know how i could practice something like this?
    i am buying a book on amazon for 24$ so that should help
  2. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member


    I think you just have to recall the music in your head, imagine how you hands would move, and then practice it?

    Like if you see A, you think how A would sound and then where A is on the keyboard?

    Also I think that playing a piece without looking at the score might also count as Audiation practice. You hear the notes and rhythm, comprehend in your head, then play it.
    Like learning a new language? Hearing how they pronounce the words and then shadowing it. Repeat until you can do it perfectly like a native would?

    I don't play the piano but I play the violin and usually I have to listen to the piece a lot just to work on getting right intonation. I don't know if that counts as Audiation.

    The suzuki method I used to be taught in emphasized on listening and reproducing music, maybe it's similar.