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Anybody wanna play me in brawl

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Gietz, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    As the topic says. Friend codes in my sig. :)
  2. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I would but I have to setup my internet connection and router again.

    I'll let you know tomorrow if your still down.
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I would, but how would you feel playing a person using a 256kbps speed in the PHILIPPINES?

    Laggy? I guess, but It is constant also! so wanna play?
  4. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Yeah sure. I'm from Aus, and i usually play american's, so i get used to lag. Post up your FC.
  5. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I added you a few days ago Gietz I will be able to play on Thurs for sure if your down.

    You too Karnage, I'm actually curious to see how bad the lag will be. Add me and I'll play you sometime too.

    [​IMG]3609 0750 6443
  6. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Ok. I've added you. Now i just need Kamages FC.

    Oh God I hope he uses DK.
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I'll post up my FC when i feel like it, I have to attend my sister's grauation today, so It'll be somewhere around my vacation... it's 3 months...

    I use Lucario and Captain Falcon fool, don't underestimate me.... Lucario's timing is one to be owned with :p
  8. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Damn. Oh well. I should be able to cheap you out as Puff, ROB or Marth. Especially at spear pillar.

    Lucario is pretty good, but his recovery, is pretty lacking when your being walled by puff. :-\
  9. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I could never play well with Lucario. I'm not sure what it is but I cannot play with him or Olimar.

    I'll smash ya with Ike.
  10. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Ike. Bahahahaha. A friend of mine plays Ike. He has never beaten my Marth. Marth > Ike.
  11. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member


    I'll play ya with Marth too, good fighter I agree.
  12. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Lucario's playability is timing, and guessing moves, especially with his vB, double team, and hit recovery is good since he can wall jump....and if lucario is close enough, he just goes on top of jiggly puff, and right when they touch, double team, easy....
  13. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Right when you touch jigglypuff. WTF. I could just rest you.

    Although it wouldn't necessarily KO you, cos of its somewhat nerfed knockback, but you would still rack up a hell of a lot of damage from the flower effect.
  14. devinjulian

    devinjulian Well-Known Member

    ::) I've added you guys and I look forward to playing. Add me: My friend code is 4983-4725-4200!


    Just IM me (AIM Screenname: DevinJulian) or email me (Gmail: [email protected]) anytime you feel like playing.
  15. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Not to go off topic but am i the onyone who noticed he said KARNAGE NOT KAMAGE
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Tiers are for queers!

    (hits person with wiimote)