Naruto: Path of the Ninja (gaaaaah naruto its SOOOO overrated) Mega Man ZX Advent Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations Front Mission all come out the 23rd
who stole your name and yea front mission is so much more then advance wars. i am glad they have a squeal lined up already. it was a big hit in japan, i am just worried not enough people know about it here.
cant frickin wait! i was REALLY dissappointed when i couldnt gert the front misison snes rom to work, then like days later i relasie the remake/port is due, i nearly pissed meself! fantastic game!
the snes FM was translated wasnt it? I dont remember ever finishing that game. It would be closer to say FM was more like FFTA since you deploy your wanzers and customize their equips which customizes their skills. AW is have a base and harvest money to deploy more units. so yeah.
I like front mission, it's like Mechwarrior except a TBS (turn-base-strategy). It is a little slow, though, but besides that, everything is great.