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Anti-Cybercrime Law

Discussion in 'General News' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So it seems my country's law makers wants us to be like China....


    They rushed the approval of this piece of shit law & yet they've shelved the internet transparency law & other more important matters like I don't know... going after serial killers, rapists & corrupt Government officials :p
  2. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I thought they shelved this recently?
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens



    But... sadly I can't seem to access TPB at the moment The F*ck~!

    EDIT: Addendum:

    I've been talking with some of my friends on the matter concerning the provisions for internet libel & the so called "anti-cyber bullying" provisions of this law & it has come to my conclusion that the law makers who drafted this law & the people *cough* n00bs *cough* who are backing this up know nothing oh how teh internetz actually work :p

    It is pretty obvious that a majority of these folk know only of Social Networking sites such as Facebook & twitter & blog sites in general where "there is some form of page/blog owner control over what people who visit their pages can say about them or their organization. In these places they can opt to delete derogatory posts by people (if they actually knew how :p Because when celebrities rant on media about how somebody keeps on saying bad things about them on their page they often make a big deal about something so irrelevant, more on this later) but instead, they make a whole deal about it & whine on the news about being trolled. Yes, I dare say these noobs are only being trolled at but they have no idea that "you must not feed teh trolls".

    Although a majority of my countrymen are "internet savvy" (so they claim to be), they are actually on swimming in the kiddie pool so to speak. A majority of them are only ever hanging around Facebook where as I said, there is page owner content control but they are hardly ever using it :p

    I then realized one thing that kind of sets me & my friends apart from the rest.... that being having swam near the shark tank so to speak. In my case, I never really started off my foray into teh internetz on Facebook. My first interaction with people over the net was on a community forum such as RomU. And it was here where I got my first taste of getting trolled at. I can honestly say that I haven't fully grown to "liking" trolling & being trolled at but I can at least react calmly if ever I get the misfortune.

    Those who actually swim inside the shark tank who are very much immune to trolling are people who go into IRC where anything & everything happens. In there, anyone & everyone is a target & if you can't keep up then you'd better log off lest you be booted off.

    Because of this realization I really feel these guys who lobbied this law should be subjected to a community like 4chan or at least get thrown into an IRC channel :D Let's see them waste their time bragging that they are the law & they've money to sue everyone who trolls them, only to be trolled even more because they failed to not feed the trolls.

    I'm sorry to say it but if they think that that dark alley is scary, they really have no idea what the net is really all about.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well lets hope your government are as incompetent as malaysia.. they ban and filter the internet but can be easily by pass... but again i guess our isp either is so incompetent with thier ban or they just do what the government said halfheartedly because they dont agree with them...
  5. Trala123

    Trala123 Member

    No matter what laws will pass about downloading, it will NEVER stop downloaders. Ever.
    This is what I believe along with Net Neutrality.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The biggest concern we have about this bullshit law is the provision regarding "Online Libel":

    Source ---> http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/-depth/09/19/12/internet-libel-may-lead-12-years-prison

    Seriously!? 12 years imprisonment for trolling on teh internetz or for speaking up against the bastards who signed this crap-tastic law :p

    And as I said on my earlier rant, all this because these morons do not know of the term "internet trolling".

    So yeah, let's say "Joe Hung" is a celebrity & I post on his Facebook account that he is a "douchebag mofo faggot". With this law in place he can actually have me sent to jail for trolling on his wall :p I bet the serial killers, rapists & other psychos in prison will fear me then eh? "Wooo! I trolled on teh internetz I am so bad ass!". Yeah Right! :p

    Oh and get this...

    If you have P0rn on your computer you could also be imprisoned for 12 years! Hard fuckin' core right? :p

    You can read through this law's details here:

    By the way, I find it funny that now the Government is "pleading" hackers to stop vandalizing government sites & are asking them if they have issues with the law they should go on a "legal forum" in person with the government... yeah right? :p AS IF these hackers will step into the public & reveal their identities, damn n00bs :p Also, the President himself IS STILL insistent of keeping internet libel a part of this law. The reason? The Government is well aware of the power of the internet to encourage the masses to rebel against the government. Believe it or not, the internet & mobile phones were paramount to the upheaval & transfer of governance in this country in the past decade.

    Another funny bit is they (Government officials) are currently doing measures (so they say) to identify these hackers & have them be accountable for their actions. Again a big YEAH RIGHT!? GO OFF ON WILD GOOSE CHASE :p These people ARE professional hackers who wouldn't leave any paper trail for them to be arrested... Well okay, maybe if these guys in our Government have the FBI backing them up then maybe they can stand a chance.

    All this bullshit now reminds me the whole battle with SOPA over a year ago & I am hoping that "we" (my countrymen) win this one as well.
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well to be fair, in many countries (IIRC even in US), there is a law in place where people can get sue by call other "dochebag", its call Defamation law or something.

    its a stupid law to protect people with dangerously fragile self esteam.
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    oh dear, i am reading the project, this isnt a particulary benevolent law due that is a penal blank law, the concepts it is providing are vague at best and can be interpreted in a number of ways, in theory even DL'ing from itunes if this law were to pass could get you in jail and the law is giving competencies to an incompetent authorirty, good job guys
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @Duncan: This law has been passed & is in effect since October 12th this year.

    And this asshole is one of the mofos who collaborated in its draft:


    Plagiarist, mofo bitch~!

    Several "sane" law makers are currently pushing for amendments to the provisions of this law (particularly pertaining to e-libel) to make it a little bearable but still insanely stupid.

    Also, although unrelated, here is what I believe is an example of how this law can be exploited by the very dubious of people:


    DataBlitz is the sole seller of legit/original physical copies of videogame software in this country and I can attest to the fact that they do not carry pirated &/or illegally smuggled software on any of their stores.


    Now this XPlay company... total new comer.
    The incident has even been discussed on local forums such as this one:
