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Another fuel price hike ! Oh my god !

Discussion in 'General News' started by chaoslordsokar, Jun 1, 2008.

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  1. chaoslordsokar

    chaoslordsokar Well-Known Member

    What the F*** ! fuel prices are spiralling continually upwards in South Africa, in the last 2 years fuel prices have climbed by nearly 60% per litre, with more increases due next month. It's gotten so bad that I'm actually having doubts about buying a car in the near future, because I don't think I'll be able to afford to keep it running.

    The scary thought is, that we all know oil is a non replenishable resource, but have we even thought for a second what that really means? It means that Prices are going to GO UP FOREVER, until were are all out of oil. I don't know how long till the worlds oil reserves are depleted but are we really ready to live in a world with no oil.What a crap ass vision.

    Whats the stats in your districts and do you believe we will be able to outrun this?
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I wonder how much the final gallon of oil will cost. I believe oil prices in the US have gone over $4.00 USD, it being less than two dollars ten years earlier. Or something like that; I'm not familiar with oil prices. By the time oil runs out, we will already be using some other type of fuel.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    It's happening All over the world man, that's why Governments the world over (except the U.S. ;D ), should really put aside first every petty difference, a sort of momentary global truce & research a new alternative fuel source, something so simple, well not really simple, but the jerks in power can't see past their Snouts, err noses.
  4. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    hey, fuel prices are totally out of control and going to get worse and worse!

    I used to live in england where now diesel is about 1.25pounds per ltr, i live in australia now and diesel is about $1.90/ltr.

    have you heard about 'peak oil' google video / you tube it.... we entered global peak oil a year or so ago. I have some videos on peak oil you can download from my website www.thefutureisnigh.com

    btw.... my predictions... fuel will rise faster and faster, house prices will drop faster and faster... the global recession will decline into global depression around 2010 the worst in history. banks will merge and will eventually be bought up by the governments for pennies/cents. The system will eventually grind to a halt.

    the central banks, of the world, are privately own by a handful of the wealthest families of the world - Morgans, Rothschild's, Rockerfellers...

    did you know George Bush, the Queen of England, Obama, Clinton, winston churchill are all related by blood?????? The establish rule by a subtle fascist dictorship. This system is an aristocracy not a democracy!!! if you vote left or right it doesn't matter you get what the elite want. all presidents and prime ministers are freemasons, and usually on the boards of the tri-lateral commission, council on foreign relations and Builderberg.

    Sell your houses, get the cash and go buy a piece of land up a mountain, inland and go self sufficient. before 2011!!!!

    Best wishes, email me if you wish, emails on my website.


    ps. don't take my word for it, do ya own research, my website is great starting place but cross-reference everything and find out for yourself.


    romulation is a great site, love it.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    If you look far enough, everyone in the world is related by blood. Also America has never been a democracy. As for a 'global recession' it is mostly over, in the next couple of years America will be the only country suffering.
  6. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    yes we are all brothers and sisters but the queen doesn't feature in my family tree and i doubt she does in yours. but the queen, bush, obama, winston, hitler etc.... do share the same direct family tree. That is because they are all members of the elite which dictate and control this planet. there are many many more besides those.

    I don't know of any country that is truly, by the dictionary definition a democracy. there is no such thing on the planet - except that is the word used to describe western countries but that description is from the elite via the massmedia. it is in fact a dictatorship or better still a aristocracy. the queen is the head of england is she not? the governments are mere puppets, the elite give us the choice of left or right, suggesting a democracy, but when you look closely all presidents or prime ministers are related to each other, trained together in the same places and represent one thing - not you or me, but the elite. it is therefore nothing even close to a democracy. all but 2 presidents of america, throughout history have/are related to Big Liz. watch the Alan Watt video on my website and then cross-reference.

    I don't wish to argue or debate these facts, but to highlight them to those that don't know. If you don't know, rather than procrastinate to me go check out the facts on various websites, maybe start with mine, watch all the videos and read all the .pdfs and then use the search terms to cross-reference on other websites. www.thefutureisnigh.com

    watch the david icke videos too, you can download more on torrents.

    the global recession has only just started, we haven't seen anything yet... hold your breath.

    Best wishes,

  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The Queen is symbolically the head of England, yes, but she has no political power. It is all in the hands of the government. The Queen objected to the invasion of Iraq, the prime minister ignored her and did it anyway, despite her and virtually the whole country objecting. She was unable to stop him because the parliament stripped the monarchy of their power after the English Civil War in the 17th century. The Queen is nothing more than a figurehead.

    I suggest it is you that needs to do your research, rather than making statements about things you don't know. I also suggest that you avoid suggesting people check your website to back up your statements. If it is YOUR website, then it undoubtedly supports YOUR statements, regardless of whether they are correct or not. Anyone can create a website with some statement on it, and link to 'evidence' supporting said statement, regardless of its truth or accuracy.
  8. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    I understand where you are coming from. i'm aware of the 'official' history as created by the elite and taught in school. ive been to school. and I have done my research.

    the queen is far more than just a symbolic figurehead of england. her family tree dates back 6000-7000 years. they don't openly claim ownership of england and other countries, it is after all a subtle dictatorship i said before subtle. did you know she is actually german? the elite do not see national boundaries because they created them and are therefore naturally above them and the government - they put the governments into position. The government do not rule, it is the establishment that rule.

    do you think i could make this stuff up? no, i didn't. and undoubtedly i have provable evidence to back up my statements, the links and videos are on my website. regardless of whether you think i am right or not is irrelevant. the purpose of posting these topics on a forum is to spread the word (the precise truth)

    the world isn't such a rosy place as most believe. sad but true.

    the queen wouldn't support the war in iraq to the population, but to her and the rest of them the war is business as usual. surely you know how much money they make from war? when she has her speech on christmas day saying to love each other, do you think she would close by rubbing her hands and promote the war as good for business and it'll help the economy? No i didn't think you would.

    there is a lot more going on than the points i've raised already. and like i said before, my site is for the benefit of those that want to know the true, and the true will set them free. - you have the freewill to decline if you choose.

    like i said i don't want to argue with you or anyone else, but since you haven't had time to watch the videos and read the .pdfs or even to read all the links i give you the benefit of the doubt.
  9. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Oil price is going up hell fast, here in Portugal it once went up twice in 24 hours. The oil was around 30 cents cheaper two or three years ago. Now, most Portuguese people near Spain get their fuel in Spanish fuelers, because in there it's around 10 cents later.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You sound like a pseudo-religious cultist to me. If you believe that ANY humans are in a position to 'make up' history on the scale you are suggesting, then you are sadly misguided. I am well aware of the economic benefits of war, and that the world is not a 'rosy' place at all. As for whether I think you are capable of making it up, look at the scientologists. An entire global religion founded on concepts someone made up, and not all that long ago either. Now, if you can provide me with SCIENTIFIC grade evidence, that is peer-reviewed and published in a respected publication, and not something that you or one of your fellow 'believers' may well have falsified or produced as 'propaganda', then I will consider the points made. May I remind you that virtually every religion teaches 'the truth' and says things like 'the truth will set you free'. Even religions which are bogus. One of the reasons I chose to follow the religion I do is because it does not claim to teach you 'the truth' or 'how to get to heaven' or any other rot.
  11. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Why use a car? Ride a bike, get some exercise, save some cash, and stop polluting. :)
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Or in-line skates or my personal favorite, skateboards, I don't skate though, I just love 'em :)
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    oil as of right now in ny [6-2-2008] is about 4.20 dollars a gallon. it was suggested that by the end of this year, it may reach 8 dollars a gallon [that is a possibiliy]. with gas prices going up, what bothers me most will be the cost of goods [games, food and other produce and products].

    there are cars that have the technology to offer better milage on a gallons use, so what is the complaint?!
    there is a car that goes 40-50 miles on a gallon.

    if the oil left on the planet is deminishing, we would all know as there are those who will look for details on the news being reported to the general public. and you'd know when all the nations in the world team up to develop an alternative.

    i think he refers obama and all those people as having the same heritage metaphorically. he's referring them as being politicians [in this case, elites] and that is there heritage. elites exists everywhere.

    loonylion is right, the queen and the royal family is nothing, she's like a celebrity but has a higher status then a celebrity. the difference, a celebrity can go out and fuck all the assholes and cocks that there is but the royal family has an obiligation of showing to the people what is moral and the higher standard of living that they are [i don't know if that came out right as there are things hard to put into words].
  14. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    pseudo-religious cultist? again you haven't read my website at all. have you heard of gnosis - it means direct knowledge. I'm not religious, but you are.... so that's a odd comment to make, you sound to me agnostic - which means not knowing. btw the scientology stuff is utter rubbish it doesn't contain any science. i discuss true science, not the 'this world is all there is establishment science' again go through my website and your questions will be answered. if you want 'peer-review' sadly you'll not get that - peer review is made of folk who they themselves are educated by the system and given jobs because their opinions suit the agenda. like the news reporters on the massmedia all smiley faces that everything is great - they too are ignorant.

    to give you a clue, you do the research. look at all the indigenous cultures of the world - we are educated that they are backward and that by the system(catholics ordered by kings) go over, kill most of them and convert the rest to catholicism is a wonderful thing. errr i don't think so (you'll never get a peer-review to contradict themselves and say the opposite would you? peer review represents the establishments agenda and it is designed that way. take australia and the stolen-generation a heinous crime. kevin rudd has just 'officially' apologised in a speech and said sorry 3 times. big deal - it's too late now. the aboriginals lived happily here for, some reports, upto 100,000 years - happy and in harmony.

    i ask you to explain to me how long you think this system is going to last? 100,000 years? it currently stands between 6000-7000 years of tyrannical dictatorship. how do you feel about the poisoning of earth, water and air? so research the 2 histories of australia --- that is a clear example of true history and system rubbish history.

    we've been brainwashed, i was too. but you can't see it from the inside. imagine looking from the outside - we kill our own. as we agreed before we are all brothers and sisters yea? religion divides and separates, wars are justified with religion - bush and blair are both christians and look at the blood on their hands!

    To give you another clue and more supporting evidence of the nature of this precise truth - go to the index page of my website simply www.thefutureisnigh.com on there you'll see a pretty photo of David Rockefeller and read. You'll read statements he made in his autobiography. I simply print what he says. what he says. And to elaborate on that, as indeed i print many times on my website - the elite are like the 9o'clock news, they tell you what they are gonna tell you, then they tell you and then after they tell you what they told you. so the new world order does exist as stated by one of the many designers of it, D Rock. so don't be surprised when they want to micro-chip and put a paperless currency on the chip.(first they will crash all the economies of the world and then you'll get linked up to their central computer and permanently spied on and controlled. I ask you is that religious or cultist? maybe it is occultist which means 'hidden' or 'secret'. like i said one can't make this stuff up.

    fortunately i am not religious.

    like i said before im not arguing with you and i've done what i wanted to do - ie. add to this thread with some very helpful information and not to debate. its not about winners and losers... humanities should be united and be able to identify the similarities in one and other sadly we've been programmed to spot the differences.

    on my website i discuss conditioning, group thinking and intuition. go look it up, then cross-reference on google. like i say don't take my word for it (something you'll never hear from a religious institution but hey they don't discuss peak oil, petro dollar cycle or global economic meltdown and alternative history either)

    read the links on the links page and take note of which website i link, you'll notice that many links are indeed to massmedia like bbc, abc etc. there you'll get the peer review 'quality'. you don't understand at the moment because you lack the knowledge. research research and more and more research. you'll have to put your ps3 controller down for many months and study 10hrs per day, as i did to get here.


    my sincere best wishes,

    www.thefutureisnigh.com (((have you heard of the expression 'the end it nigh'? look it up)))
  15. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    hi there, i saw the price of fuel at the pump in the US on the news about 2 weeks ago had just crept upto $4/g in a few places. it's going to start hurting a lot of people shortly. ouch. here i notice is going up on a weekly basis about .05c a week.

    regarding alternatives, back in the 40s and 50s some scientists pioneered a free energy technology using electro-magnets to levitate a vehicle that used no fuel, no pollution and didn't need roads. unfortunately when it was offered to GM the director said and i quote 'you put them up there and we'll shoot them down' the elite and to elaborate i generally refer to the 13 illuminati families who claim to rule this planet don't want free-energy in our hands but want to charge extortionate amounts for a polluting natural resource. i don't think of them as 'elite', they aren't any more special than me or you but they claimed their title and positions long ago and pass that onto their inbreed children and they refer to themselves as elite it goes back way beyond rome, past greece, before egypt. their henchmen are the likes of bush/blair/rudd etc they too are a part of the direct blood family but the faces we see in the public domain are generally not so important. the queen has her part as a 'role-model' as does bush/blair etc - they are used to maintain the image. check this link which i just grabbed off google http://www.nypost.com/seven/10172007/news/regionalnews/dissing_cousins__obama__cheney.htm and there is another 13.8 million sites for that search term 'obama and bush related' do a search for other big names like obama and brad pitt, jolie and clinton. it's like one huge family running everything from the media to the education system, from the banking and financial system to power stations, from leading positions in governments to hollywood. if i could have made this up i could have made a fortune writing a novel haha.

    its a very sick state of affairs. knowledge is power and we need to take that back. i only ask from you to keep an open mind and do ya own research and pass on the word.

    i reckon you're dead right about fuel doubling to $8/g by the end of the year, the cost of FOOD and products will go through the roof. it will lead to economic depression and eventually collapse. and many people will die defending. we are up s@#t street without a paddle. america will topple first and bring down europe and then the rest of the world almost immediately afterwards. you'll find this is all by design and not mere chance. the elite have plans to reduce the population by about 6B and maintain it under 500,000 million globally. they state this on the georgian guidestones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones - ordered to be built by RC which is secretly Rosicrusians. they want to cull us off because if they don't want the planet will end up barren.

    hence my sincere warning.

    there is good news but understanding the bad news first is the way it works.

    best wishes friend

  16. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I think Athens used to be a true democracy.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yet again you show your own lack of knowledge by making incorrect statements. I am not agnostic. I also said scientology is a made up religion, if you had read my post, thereby implying it has no substance. I never said catholicism is good, in fact I think it is pretty much THE most hypocritical religion of them all.

    You aren't religious? well your current behaviour is very religious in nature, even if it isn't an established religion. Brainwashing is what all major religions do and always have done, only they call it 'converting' to make it seem less immoral.

    your argument about 'true science' utter bullshit. Science is based upon theories that are tested and proven or disproven repeatedly, if it cannot be proven or disproven consistently by different people it is not science, it is mere supposition. I do not approve of what is currently happening to the earth, but you are probably only making it worse by trying to incite a revolution or something. I love animals, does that mean I approve of what PETA do? No, I do not. PETA take their protests too far and it only turns people against them. Science says we are descended from apes, and baboons are the only animal aside from humans that kill for pleasure. Co-incidence? I think not. I do not promote organised religion, I follow a religion made up of disjoint groups that share a common moral code based on respect for all creatures. There are no central teachings or holy instruction manuals. thus even if a leader of the group goes bad, the worst damage they can do is brainwash their own group, which would rarely be more than 20 people. As every group is slightly different to the others, the damage is confined. This religion has been around, mostly unchanged, for far longer than Christianity or the like, so it works. Once again you are referring to your website for 'proof', and once again I tell you it proves NOTHING WHATSOEVER. I can put any lies I like on the web and quote them for truth, but does that make them true? NO. No matter how hard I try, no matter how many people believe the lies they are still lies. I also highly resent the implication that all I do is play games.

    Your suggestion of a 'free energy' car is ludicrous, there is no such thing as 'free energy'. The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that 'Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another'. The electricity to power the electromagnets must come from somewhere, thus fuel is needed. It may not be the conventional chemical fuel, but it is fuel regardless. Also electromagetic levitation requires insane amounts of electricity, and I know because I tried it. I am also a physicist.

    As far as making it up goes, I've heard a lot more convincing stories that were made up and way more complex than this, which isn't even original.

    If you intend to convince people to join your 'religion' (don't give me that 'I'm not religious' bullshit, this qualifies as a religion) You are going to have to try a hell of a lot harder.

    As a side note, you may wish to add 'Thou shalt not double post on forums' to your holy tome, as it is a rule on most forums, this one included.
  18. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member

    Its been a while since I've been here. I like idiot threads.

    Seriously, I wish I could be bothered to write as much as loony on the subject. Your knowledge of science is cripplingly weak and humourous, you seem to not know the difference between a particle (atom) and a wave (a vibration/energy distribution). Then you have your 'crack-pot' theories of 'elite' 'grand' dictatorships that are out to catalogue us (see topmost quote).

    Urgh man, I don't know where you went to school but anyone who 'teaches' and this applies to you as you are happy to misquote that aboriginal people are backward are idiots. Anyone with a semi-decent education would tell you that they were different and had a advanced knowledge of there surroundings.

  19. jharradine

    jharradine Member

    yea your right, if ive got it right, they voted using black or white stones put into a bag/box. a very fair system, everyone had the chance to lead.

    the type of democracy i do like and would work in a limited sized community is a direct democracy. i think for us to move forward we'll have to return to that type of living, community based. there are many successful communities of that type here in australia.

    we're on the road to civilisation... we can't possible be truly civilised when we have a need for police and prisons. like the aboriginals, they didn't have prisons and police, they did have lore and if, on the rare occassion, someone broke that lore they'd be ostracised and pretty much guaranteeing death. however although that punishment would be naturally avoided at any cost, folk would rather work out their difference amicable. respect for each other is shared.

    my intention, as strange as it sounds, is to join a community near nimbin australia and later to find another community further in land. this, to me, is the best way of avoiding the economic meltdown and earth changes as they reach their magnitude in the next 3-4 years.
  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Well, the road to direct democracy is impossible now, we are on the verge of "Whatever" it's too formal...
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