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Another chance at R18+ games in australia?

Discussion in 'General News' started by mds64, Dec 15, 2009.

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  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Now, personally, most games that never come because of this (as we lack R18 catagory..thus any games deemed over Ma15+ are banned) aren't that awsome, well most anyways...(man hunt 2 and the new alien vs predator are the only exceptions)

    And the games that are soo affected that they get modified to ma15+ content are normally the ones I would consider even buying, as long as the games stil retain same story and gameplay, just because I miss out on a severed head doesn't mean the game is ruined (if I was that desperate I could import or just download it XD).

    However, seeing as we are a democratic nation like the rest...don't we get the right?

    It is up to parents to prevent kids from seeing this content, so why do us 18+ people miss out/get watered down copies?!

    I'd do the submission in the link..but prefer not to have my adress sent to the goverment :p
  2. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    i agree with you hypnos although I'm only 12 i think that people over 18 should be allowed to get R18+ games here in Aus, that is all i have to say
  3. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Yeah i agree with you as well plus i think that the only changes to left 4 dead 2 was that the corpse dissapeared and the blood got toned down, I don't mind it but if your over 18 you should be able to buy the games
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    In that case, that was a good thing. The gore in L4D2 was a resource hog.
  5. baozor

    baozor Well-Known Member

    i completely agree with the R rating
    it should shouldnt really be restricted to movies only
  6. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Yeah It should be like cigarettes. Only people 18+ should be able to buy them. They also shouldn't be put up outside of the store, or have a non-porn cover, like the playboy logo.
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