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Annoying parents

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joker9392, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Joker9392

    Joker9392 Member

    How do you deal with an annoying parent? if you have one...........my mom constantly ask me how im doing and tries to be nice i guess but its soo annoying to me and i have told her to leave me alone in a nice calm voice and i know to respect your parents but idk what to do now. she is so persistent when i go somewhere to hide or just chill she finds me :eek: its mad annoying !!!
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I outgrew my teens. Seriously, the best thing you can probably do is to allow her to be "annoying" and then learn to live with it.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    your lucky your mother is nice. some people dont have that, some dont even have a mother.
    just learn to live with it and dont take for granted what you have :)
  4. Joker9392

    Joker9392 Member

    thanks guys ;D
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'll give you a tip, she's better off that way.

    I Told my mother off for doing that when I turned 15, now she keeps basically crying over "the son she lost" because I withdrew into myself, no longer do I like having/going to parties (cause she'd organise them , food and all) and keep things in check.

    Now She won't help me do anything nor acknowledge the fact "that I make mistakes" and a fight always ensures...

    I kinda miss the mother who'd spoil her eldest son no matter what the younger one wants...oh well what's done is done.
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ha.. the teenage stage, the stage where every parent worries their children cant handle the real world while the teenager try to prove they are doing fine by their own.

    my mom was kinda embarrassing during that time because she keep asking me almost every week "do you have a girlfriend" and "do not get her pregnant if you have one".....
  7. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    My son is now 12 and we can see how he's growing in his ways. Some good..some not. He's allowed a voice and such BUT, (for me) as hard and as much as we sacrafice and have showed him we care and love him. No matter what type of " calm voice" he uses to tell my wife " Leave me alone (if those were the words used)" we MIGHT have a problem. There are many ways to express one's self. in MY book.." Leave me alone" isn't one..Sorry just had to be honest.
  8. my parents are annoying and i have delt with it for like 10 years all the way from my dad forcing me to write right handed (because im lefty) to them making me do all day (including weekends) study session. when my dad bursts in my room to study i stick the finger at him when he leaves. but during these 10 years i got more sneaky like using my Itouch to go on internet or close the laptop lid and put a book on it and he doesnt notice.
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Same problem. :p

    Just deal with it.
  10. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Develop a rebellious personality that will become self-destructive once you are 18 and capable of living out your degenerate fantasies until you die at 23 of an mdma overdose.
  11. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Going in on the subject some more..My Mom passed away when I was like 25 and my Dad when I was 21. I know they weren't perfect..but, to have them now and to let them know their leesons weren't wasted would have been great. I can only hope that our son conitnues to grow and know that it's ok to have those moments where we won't agree..and that I'm not just an ATM when you need that awesome ITouch you'll want, or those new clothes u need. Not perfect again by any menas..but we're here..we support you..so work with us..you won;t be the last teen who thiks the world is against him. Enjoy time with the while you have them.