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Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by jesusfreekao, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. jesusfreekao

    jesusfreekao Member

    Ergh. Hey, so at the site I work for (listed at the bottom of my sig) I write anime reviews. I thought I'd post one here just to see what people think.

    Gakkou no Kaidan

    Sorry for the nostalgia, guys, but I have another anime whose English dub aired on Comcast On Demand three years ago. The English dub was a total rewrite of the script, featuring new things such as lame celebrity jokes, constant F-bomb droppings, and most importantly, Jesus (yes I typed it right, Jesus) jokes all around! Of course, I hated the English dub. The actual script is much better. Ladies and gentlemen and all in between, I give you Gakkou no Kaidan!

    Gakkou no Kaidan is a twenty episode series directed by Noriyuki Abe, the director of Bleach. It’s about a girl named Satsuki who moves into the house her mother lived in before she died. There’s a haunted old school building. There’s a pristine new school building. There are 10 year old perverts. There are nerds with big lips. There are train stations (okay, well, technically there’s only one) Satsuki wanders into the old building to get her cat Kaya, who was strangely compelled to go inside after being carried by her younger brother Keiichiro. They are followed by Hajime (who loves Satsuki’s panties) and Rio (the computer geek). A girl named Momoko enters the old school building and joins the crew when she loses her hat. They meet an evil demon, Amonojyaku, who, in short, possesses Kaya. The quintet now has to find a way to put all of the spirits that were released by the careless men that cut down the trees on the mountain to rest.

    Well, that’s the meat of the series, so let’s pick the bones (it is not my fault if that expression carried a visual image for you) Well, The art could use some work. The art here doesn’t set this anime apart from any anime in the 1999-2001 era. It’s rather pretty, but nothing phenomenal. This anime also has a filler (and, if you don’t know, I hate fillers when they’re in an extremely short series) The storyline drags at times, and none of the kids except Satsuki (Who blames every strange happening on ghosts) even appears to remember releasing the ghosts of the old school building at all. Unfortunately, this anime lacks the fast pacedness that it could have. The kids spend a lot of time hiding in rooms, and the only fast paced parts are the ones where they're being chased by monsters.

    I love this anime, because it's pretty darn funny. The weird things that can happen in elementary school are magnified to anime-ish proportions. The fact that in almost every episode Hajime shouts out the color of Satuski's panties adds to the building hilarity. The demons have cool powers and are genuinely creepy. Also, the music is great! Sexy Sexy was a weird song to play, considering the show (It probably belongs in FLCL) but Grow Up by Hysteric Blue was pretty nice. The colors picked for this anime are beautiful when viewing it on a laptop screen (for some reason, a laptop screen just looks nicer than a TV for this anime...). This is a very enjoyable title. SO.... Without further ado, Gakkou no Kaidan's Report Card

    Story: C. The story is straightforward, but not intricate or solid.

    Comedy: B. It's not laugh out loud, but this anime is pretty funny.

    Action: D. This is totally missing fast pacedness, but some of the monster chases are fun to watch.

    Protagonist(s): A. All of the protagonists are well developed and have some quirks.

    Antagonist(s): A. The ghosts are cool and creepy.

    Language: C. The language is PG13

    Seiyuus (voice acting): B. The seiyuus aren’t stiff, and convey some emotion.

    Art: C. The art is outdated, but the colors are beautiful

    Overall: B. This is an anime worth watching, although it's average.
  2. gryphoondawn

    gryphoondawn Well-Known Member

    so i guess that this anime you like is for 13 above and humourous or some sort of comedy. I want to try that show please tell me the site of the show where i can watch in full screen and english version. I dont like youtube for some reason of my own.

    Wow i watch it on youtube and the first episode was great. the captions and angles was great like on the first episode when the man is walking in the facility then suddenly turn around . Suddenly his eyes became huge and create a tension ^^ I like this idea ill try to watch this to make reply. the coulour in youtube was too light.

    Well i like the first story exept for the colour like the colour on the house on the first episode. It should be dimmed or something but the colour was too bright(well no lightning here coz anime) and wasn't really effective on that part.

    If u like PG13 Try this shows and manga. If your 12 or turning 13 dont even try!!!

    Ichigo 100%-manga
    Fushigiyugi(really great)-anime
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    We've never had any of these before, nice review. I've seen an episode of this, didn't really enjoy it that much.
  4. jesusfreekao

    jesusfreekao Member

    Umm, I'm 15, but I think the color's supposed be like that. Also, I think the only place you'll be able to watch it is on your own computer if you download it. Try the Pirate Bay or Mininova. Those should get you the english dub (but if you like GOOD animes, you'll hate the dub). As for the Japanese version, try Shinsen Subs's website. You might find them.

    I'll start posting some more Anime reviews. You can also visit animeexplosion.tyl.cc to read more of my reviews.. I post them weekly
  5. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I don't watch much of anime but I have seen this rarely a few times ... guess a good review.
  6. jesusfreekao

    jesusfreekao Member

    Oi... I'll post my Gintama one next... when I get around to it.
  7. gryphoondawn

    gryphoondawn Well-Known Member

    Do u know any site where i can watch a good quality anime or some stores to purchased it.
    LIMIT 10-20 Canadian Dollar

    I want to watch a good anime on our TV than the computer!!!!!!!!!!!

    NOTE: anime that are new released and not so popular usually don't have a merchandiser.

    PLEAsE RePLy: