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Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by trimbletown, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    What's with anime. I just don't see the appeal of it. So can one of you animaniacs please explain to me with logical reasoning what's so great.
  2. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Everyone's got their own taste. Apparently you don't like it. So there's no reason to tell you why no? I like it because of the action and story. That's it.
  3. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU! you are the first person I've asked who didn't just say. "Because its awesome. Durrr duuur derp."
  4. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    As opposed to cartoons, Anime and Manga are cultural symbols from Japan. They treat anime and manga there like forms of art. Also, you'll find anime that suits many tastes, from the smallest children to adults and stuff. The same people that don't see a point in anime is the same people that will turn old and say that videogames are for kids.
  5. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    That's quite a generalization there. I, for one, will always play games and I'm pretty sure everyone will get old.
  6. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that was generalization for sure. Specially the "I'm pretty sure everyone will get old" part...


    Maybe that is a hard generalization, but I know some people that turned like this. They were pretty good people until they "grew up"(between quotes for obvious reasons).
  7. Chdonga

    Chdonga Well-Known Member

  8. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    People are taking anime and abusing the style. It gets old and annoying.
  9. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Only weeaboos think anime and manga are cultural symbols from Japan. They also think Japan is nothing but a magical land of anime, manga, Pocky, and kawaii-ness. Anime is just a fancy word for cartoon, and manga is just a fancy word for comic. And I'm pretty sure cartoons and comics are very prominent in American culture. And how do you know they treat it like forms of art? If cartoons and comics are not art, then neither are their identical Japanese counterparts. Don't think that the majority of people in Japan watch anime or read manga.

    Foreigners cannot speak on behalf of a culture they do not understand. That is the bottom line.
  10. 13nbui

    13nbui New Member

    Thank god you saved me alot of time. Yeah anime is just japanese cartoon and manga is just japanese comics not some cultural bs.
  11. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    My friend is a weeaboo, and holy shit it's annoying.
    He finds it offensive when somebody says "Believe it", or refers to anime as "animoo", or manga as "mango", and other such stupid stuff. He dresses like an anime character too, and acts like a child, thinking life is all sunshine and butterflies like his animes. He's 18. I'm 17, I like anime, but he likes it way to much. The only time I ever see him reading a book is when he's required to for a class, man, I could go on, but that's not the topic at hand, and this guys question has been answered.
  12. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    I'm a big anime fan, I enjoy it. Dont know how to explain it. I dont think Japan is all anime and manga, plus i've been there before, and had a great time. I have also made many new friends through cosplay :) Waiting for my Ichimaru Gin costume to come, superbi Squalo after that.
  13. Evangelion151

    Evangelion151 Member

    well im just gonna go and say that anime is just more than a cartoon,It has a way of touching your soul in a way other things cant,some people may not feel this way but then again everyone has there own opinions and taste so....yanno.
  14. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much, you saved me quite a bit of time.

    Also for me, the reason I watch anime is because some have great stories. When I think of anime, I think of another way of telling stories. Some are more like Sit Coms that we have here (Baka to test) while others are more serious and more like the Drama/Action TV shows we have (Evangelion to name one, NO its not deep). IDK, I just think of anime as another type of a TV show, just animated.
  15. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Anime is no more than a cartoon. Heck, anime means cartoon.

    And all forms of entertainment can "touch your soul". I watched Toy Story 3 a couple days ago and it nearly moved me to tears. (Naruto did not.) It's the content that matters, not what country it's from.

    Ergo, you are a racist. Oh, and I don't believe in souls.
  16. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Well technically speaking I was fairly sure Anime meant Animation, though I could be mistaken. And I'm with ya bro on the Naru-Toy thing. Toy Story dude, dat ending.
  17. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Technically speaking, animeeshon (アニメーション) means animation. Anime is an abbreviation. ::)