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Anime,What makes us or breaks us

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by chaoslordsokar, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. chaoslordsokar

    chaoslordsokar Well-Known Member

    I thought it apropriate to start this topic because I wanted to know how you all started watching anime, and what makes us different from other people (I think we are special people, given to greater insight and complexity than those other lower beings)

    Like Seriously, my friends think I'm nuts, because I watch 'Japanese Cartoons', I KNOW that I'm not crazy.Anime gives something to look forward to, something to dream about, something that I can use to be creative. Why are we so different from everybody else.

    Why watch anime at all?
  2. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    Why watch? because the art and storyline is good on a select few :p

    Why there's a stigma? because of all of those addicts that emulate everything they see and lose their sense for reality due to anime, thus everything that spews from their mouth is anime anime anime yada yada anime.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Those are known as Otakus, I know a few of 'em coughs*Yaoi Dudes* coughs, freaks who think they see the world as Anime influenced, these people are what killed my interest in Anime.

    Some of my former friends would literally force feed me denizens of Anime thinking that I'll like them, I just pretentend that I like them too, but there are a few they like that grows on me too.

    As for what started my interest in Anime?

    Two 80's Christian Cartoons, Superbook & Flying House ;D

    Seriously, I watched those when I was seven, didn't know they were Anime, although there were other Anime Airing at that time. I did watched things then like Macross, Laserion, Voltron, etcetera, but never really thought of those two Christian Cartoons as Anime. Then around the 90's when Anime became recognized, those two Cartoons were again being broadcasted, by this time, I could hear & determine what Japanese sounds like, then in one particular Scene in Superbook, the story of Samson, I hear these heathens worshipping this statue of Baal & the chanting was in Japanese! WTF!? I said, this thing's an Anime! Uber PWNAGE!

    Since then I became a fan, but not the mainstream Anime at the time like Voltes V or Dragonball Z, I was more into the lesser known ones like Gatchaman (G-Force), Sailormoon, Blue Noah (Thundersub), Little Lord Font Leroy (Cedie), And Sarah.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    why watch anime?

    hmmm....thats a pretty good question.....which i dont know the answer....I got hocked up with anime when i 1st watch Sailormoon, then Dragon Ball. Maybe its because i was reading manga for a long time before i watch anime since anime is basically the animated manga (same drawing style).
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not all the time, there are Manga where the Artwork is good, but the Anime conversion was lame & vice versa
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    the only time an anime become lame is when they added alot of junk episode to like what Sailormoon, Dragon and Naruto does.....and a stupid summary\flash back episode....i offen skip those summary episode.....
  7. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    I've watched shows like Dragonball Z all of my life just because they would happen to be on TV when I was a kid, and I would watch pretty much anything at that point. I wasn't really aware of what anime was until Cartoon Network's Toonami started airing such shows, ever since then I've watched it casually if something just happens to catch my interest.
  8. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    D.Grayman Manga = Cool
    D.Grayman Anime was... disgusting
  9. err

    err Well-Known Member

    I started watching Anime for the sole reason that for once something animated didn't suck.
  10. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Well, the Japanese are kick ass story tellers, most games that are worth playing are made by Japs (when I say worth playing, I mainly mean storyline-wise) so it's no surprise they have a huge fan base.

    Then again, I really enjoy the anime 'The Boondocks', and I believe that was created by an African American who I'm almost positive is a racist in some weird way against black people (I've seen enough episodes to prove my theory :p )

    So, if there's enough action, storyline, and character development (lets not forget the art), it's going to be Intriguing to a lot of people.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm.. there are a lot of Japanese games & Anime that suck, & it's their forte as well, if you catch my drift. Ah Aaaahh Echyooo! ;D
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I never said all anime is awesome, as a matter of fact I'm not a fan of anime at all, except for The Boondocks and maybe Trigun. But, anime wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for the Japanese creating it in the first place.
  13. monozuki_san

    monozuki_san Member

    I started watching anime when I was bored watching reality shows or drama shows. But before appreciating the anime, it was the Manga books that interest me. Good drawing style and plotting of the story. I'm kind of sad to see some anime shows based from manga not so identical to the origin..or let say to lame.

    I not so fanatic as my friends (they tend to speak japanese :eek: or simply has adapted certain characters). I just watch some anime that interest me. My favorites are Samurai X, Bleach, and Shaman King. ^^

    People around tend to tell me anime are for kids... that makes me laugh... they didn't know that anime has hentai theme too..haha

    But I ignore them beside I'm enjoying watching anime or reading manga. It makes my day worthwhile and bright !!

    Not all anime games is my liking some of them is kinda weird and off the story like fan service to me. But there are some game that is worth to play ^^
    but that is my own opinion...
  14. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Errr, I don' think that The Boondocks is really Anime... it certainly has that look, but anime is mostly just any and all animation from Japan, and I'm going to assume that The Boondocks was not made in Japan. It's just about the only show that I've ever heard use "the 'N' word" every other sentence, save for one episode of South Park.

    As for me, I watch it for a few reasons. I particuarly like the storytelling in a few of them, Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note, chiefly, but I also enjoy some of the fight scenes or art styles of others, like in Bleach. It's mostly just because I enjoy watching the good anime, not some of the stuff that is passed as anime here in the states - casualties include Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon (which I'm told is good in Japanese, but I'm still not sure...), One Piece, and Hoshi no Kaabi (a show that I love and whose English name I will never say). It's called the '4Kids Effect,' or just 'lol let's take the good stuff out and make this obviously Japanese show as American as possible!'

    I like Japanese culture in general, but would readily commit myself to the ward if I became a full-fledged otaku - seriously, man, they'll eat you alive, provided that they can stop obsessing about some obscure anime series that no one watches long enough to muster up the energy require to even lift their arms. I, unfortunately, speak from experience, and I'm sure that anyone who knows a few otaku can say that can easily make something that you once thought cool into a very horrifying memory...
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens


    Do what I did

    Invite those ignorant people to come over your house for a party. When they arrive, play the DVD of Ki saku, Sho Sako, Lady blue, La Blue Girl, or Bible Black at them, see if they won't change their perspectives, heck they might ask to come back next week ;D
  16. monozuki_san

    monozuki_san Member

    Hmm...that's a great idea Cahos Rahne Veloza!! (devil grin)

    A nice film showing at house...a couple of cakes and drinks

    watching... Kite: the Uncut or Bible black or this Princess Memory

    What will be their reactions... (imitating a wide eye and drooling person) hahahaa

    FYI : I going to borrowed them to a friend of mine. He so SO Fanatic in hentai..
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You could also show those uber violent stuff with decapitations & lotsa blood everywhere.

    Then, after the film showing tell them:

    "Were the things you saw FOR KIDS?" ;D
  18. monozuki_san

    monozuki_san Member

    Definitely they will have nothing to say... or kill me for being a naughty gal haha

    That's the lesson for generalizing the "anime" as "cartoons".

    ^^ V
  19. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Well, just because it wasn't made in Japan doesn't mean it's not anime. It uses the same exact style of animation that any old anime show does.

    Quote from Wiki: "The Boondocks" is an American animated series created by Aaron McGruder for Adult Swim.
  20. gryphoondawn

    gryphoondawn Well-Known Member


    The best anime should have a good story and it should be complicated but not too complicated to understand. it should have the element of balance of simple and complex. Also, it dosent mean that an anime have a "bad drawing" dosent mean that it is a bad anime. Try to pick the anime that have a nice storyline and a great and famous writer. Most of the anime is based on manga or story
    It should have a great hook that takes the interest of the viewers and characters are well developed, well introduced and produced a nice amount of drama that helps the viewers to relate, reflect etc... which brings out the emotion of a viewer/s
    The look should be geat and it makes sense to the majority of the viewers ie. Someone walks and met a girl. The editor can cut it and show the guy and girl talking but they can make it more interesting by adding details like the character break the rule by crossing the do not enter sign; Walking the stairs and we can see the stairs then he/she suddenly open the door and meet the girl. The lighting is important there to show the nice mood of the anime show
    Finally, the anime's timeline was in order and the cutting was good so pick a nice editor (I want to be an editor or director WAH XD) try a famous editor and director buy some who arent famous but made a great look on the film that brings out the emotion

    Note: it dosent mean that the anime's audio was japanese, chinere or something else dosent mean that the story was bad.

    Recomendations (note some of this requires you to read)
    I prefer DRAMA; Romance; Historical

    Anime: Black Cat - the story was good The idea was like Samurai X(historical) and it was a good story if you prefer adventure and action and drama
    The story was about a legendary assasin named Train Heartnet who became a street sweeper. It is a good anime especially when you reach the ending(please dont skip any part). Eventhough the manga and show was not known, it is one of the great anime that i have seen so far.

    Anime: DN Angel - the graphic was ok but the story was really good eventhough there was a chaos on the chronological order of the film, i prefer watching this, i RECOMENDED FOR ACTION AND ADVENTURE.

    Anime: GTO Great Teacher Onizuka - the idea of the story was unique it was good it was about a weird teacher. It is really an interesting show and story.

    Anime: Ichigo 100%Please! not for 10 under . It was an interesting story but i prefer the manga because the anime(im not telling that the anime was poorly made) dont give enough information. The character development was messed up because of the cutting so the story becames bad. I prefer reading the manga. You might be discourage at the beginning of reading or watching but it became interesting TRY IT. RECOMENDED for the people who like to be in the film. It encourage me to like film and appreciate it deeply. Hope you look the same way when you read it. TYPE: romance and drama it is my inspiration of making a film and dreaming to be an editor and director^^.

    Anime: MAR- im watching it but i notice the story was full of fantasy, Recomended for people who likes drama and romance. i never finish reading this and watching this so ill reply next time.

    Minor recomendations
    Inuyasha, the intro was good. It's hook was effective
    Samurai X ; Lupin 3
    Death Note, Interesting but too much soliloquy where we can hear the their thought (advance level of anime)

    thrust me they are a good source, im making a manga ^^ PREFERED ichigo 100% and Black Cat the most

    email me at [email protected] or [email protected] if you want me to review your anime or manga please read the ichigo if you want an inspiration (some contents are for mature readers only so skip it, my dad and mom asked me to skip the part coz im too young.(no worry no n---e contents)

    The anime was good because there, the film industry can take any position, add effects, change the lighting and do impossible and naive things to the characters. Based on life (Historical), romance, school life, drama and splice of life