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Animal Crossing Wild World DS

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by loveshermusic, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. loveshermusic

    loveshermusic Well-Known Member

    I just started to play animal crossing wild world on my ds again and I wanted to know that if one of your neighbours moves away is there a way to visit them in there new town?
    By the way if anyone plays they can add me the code should be under this post :D

    Post Merge: [time]1263689766[/time]
    Hmm it didnt work all well here it is....

    [Animal Crossing Wild World]
    Friend Code: 1935-1884-9668
    Name: Jassii
    Town: Purplton
  2. BubbleGumLove

    BubbleGumLove Member

    I think it depends, one of my neighbours moved to my friends town so I could go visit them there.. But other than that sorry I don't know :-\
  3. Coojy

    Coojy Member

    If a friend talks to somone in your town and leaves a good impression, they are going to get them in their town. The good news is if you don't want them to leave you can ask them to stay once and once only and you will keep them. If you do lose somone to a friend you can always visit them. If you lose them to nobody, there are many people with that person who you could visit. *sigh*. Sorry, that was a bit long
  4. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    You could the day before they leave persuade them not to go. But other than that, they dont exactly dissapear to nobodies town, if you havent played with any friend, the first friend (or next) that you play with, they will go to their town
  5. loveshermusic

    loveshermusic Well-Known Member

    Thank you