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Animal Crossing on android

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mr_jones15, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    So I found all my old gamecube games but can't seem to find my gamecube and I really wanted to play animal crossing again it was great part of my life lol I downloaded the dolphin emulator for android (galaxy note 5) and an animal crossing file but when I got to open it it just takes me right back to the previous blank screen. I haven't done this in like 10 years so I know I did something wrong please help me I've been trying for 2 days straight!!
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Check if your phone meets the minimum requirement to run the emulator.
  3. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    I'm sure it's a galaxy note 5 I just paid $800 for it 4 months ago it's still top of line pretty much one of the best phones you can get really so that can't be it. . thanks for the reply though
  4. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    maybe you are not selecting the correct rom file ?
  5. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    There's multiple files?
  6. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    if its a single rom file of format .iso or .gcn then you are ok.
  7. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    The only files their are is the .7z and .zip because I tried zipping it to see if that doesn't play it :p which it didn't work still. .
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you need to extract the .7z file using 7zip to get the actual rom file.
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If the 'Animal Crossing' rom is from here, then there's only 1 file in the download & it's an .iso file in a RAR archive not 7z.
  10. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    It's not from here and I'll give 7zip a try!
  11. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    It worked!!! Thanks a lot! But once again I've run into a problem. . When I tried to play the screens all black only certain figures have color. Any idea how to fix it? I just recently downloaded the dolphin app from their website so it's definitely up to date.
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    That's graphic issue. Your phone might not be supporting OpenGL ES 3.0 or higher (which is 1 of 4 minimum requirements to run the emulator), hence that issue. Or, the emulator for android version is still too early in development that it might not yet run the Animal Crossing rom properly. Maybe it might be better to use 'Dolphin for PC' if your computer can meet the minimum spec? After all, emulating heavy graphic games tend to heat up the unit quickly and drain the battery faster, which in turn can damage your phone.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  13. mr_jones15

    mr_jones15 Member

    I don't have a pc anymore been thinking about buying one but I want something nice so I haven't . Anyhow there's no way to change the settings? The game runs perfectly smooth I didn't go very far into since you can't see much but the graphics holy shit so much better than gamecube I put that shit on 4k haha that's awesome!

    Edit: Idk you'd consider gamecube to be heavy graphics? My phone plays 4k.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016