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Android help

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stanley Richards, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Read post on topic change
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    Why not just get a basic phone?

    Like the nokia 6500 or 6500s (yes I know they are old, but those "s40" type phones are still being made)

    Prepaid is One option for you...if you truly dont make many calls, and you could use that money for something far better.

    It's a shame you aren't in Australia, for you could get the deal Im on, a nokia e71 (alot more flashy than the s40 os phones, it's an s60...), $19 AUD a month contract, free facebook.

    ...Unfortunatly I didnt read into the call rates or the text, and I think there was 50mb of downloads, but like I seriously need to download crap over a crappy phone when I got a better conection on my laptop :p

    All I know is, this works fine for me.
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    I would like those E series phones from Nokia, but it's surprisingly more expensive than the XPeria x10. And prepaid is really horrible for going online, the prepaid card i'm using runs out in 20 minutes.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    Thus why I dont use mobile internet, especially in my suburb, it's unstable for mobile internet.

    That is odd, the nokia's here are cheap, well in plans and contracts...I assume they are actually trying to get rid of those xperia's rather than be competitive with something better than nokias :p

    I only use facebook on my mobile as a time killer when on my lunch break, and by time killer=5 mins max before net drops out.
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    I remember I bought my E63 phone for 68$ back then, somehow it's back up to 400$.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone


    $68 outright or on contract?

    This is why i hate buying mobiles, there are basically 3 annoying options, ethier go on contract, pay more than you need each month but end up paying off the phone, go contract, risk having no credit but have a cheaper phone over all (you can outright buy a phone for $50 on selected models here)...

    Or in some cases, buy a phone that is meant to be on contract for max cash, I remember asking someone about buying an iphone outright...$1000?

    Fuck that.
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    It was 68$ without contract before, and 400$ without contract now.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    You sure it was the same phone?

    It might be the e72, I swear those phone models look the same.
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    Possibly, as you said, they're so alike.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    It's a fact I hate about the e series, only differance between them other than shell colour is the processor...

  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    I've had problems with my Nokia Phones in the past few years. I hope I don't have to resort to choosing Nokia or LG.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    From what I see of other's I assumed they were a nice stable phone, and my first 2 have been great.

    I admit I got lost on my 6500s but that's because I forgot phones could do MORE than simple calls, turns out it had one of the easiest OS's on a phone (the s40, great themes for it as well).

    Not only that but it was damn sturdy, I'd threw it agaist brick walls to show those pricks at work "what my phone could do that their's can't" since they all used iphones or planned to get one.

    Not sure if my e71 is as sturdy, and it's...actually a tad slower when moving around menus, I assume it's because the phone has more than it should have on it, OS wise.

    Still good though.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    palm pre plus, or wait for the pre3 coming out in the summer.

    The pre plus has a CPU that can go up to 1Ghz (I run mine at 800Mhz when the screen is on and 250Mhz when its off)
    512MB RAM
    16GB storage
    dedicated 3d graphics chip
    touch screen
    full qwerty keyboard

    It can be used as a wireless router by connecting your laptop to it using wifi, as a portable hard disk by using the cable, it can even run duke nukem 3d and openoffice.

    unlike apple who would prosecute you for jailbreaking your phone if they could, Palm practically encourage it. There's also very little risk in doing it because the phone is practically impossible to brick.
  14. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    HTC Wildfire?
  15. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    How much is that in pounds.Ive seen that phone your after going on eBay for £90 average.Every time I sniff around my wifes account she is watching them.
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    They don't sell Palm phones here. if they did, I'd instantly get them.
  17. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Re: I want a new phone

    waste o' money if you ask me...
  18. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    It's those pesky cops, right?
  19. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Re: I want a new phone

    what do you mean...cause these guys are on my ass? :3
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: I want a new phone

    Don't get a Nokia smartphone if you can help it, Symbian is rather restrictive and doesn't have nearly enough apps. I'm a big fan of Droid (Galaxy S, oh baby) but it fits the role I need it for (mobile internet, RDP/VNC, SSH, Starcraft 2 stream). You probably don't need anything that sophisticated for your day-to-day use.