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ancient threads-auto lock?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by mds64, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    As I just seen-it seems to have bad karma on posting on old threads...

    3 months...to say years even?

    My original post was gonna be "auto delete' but what about the tutorials or technical help threads that may still be useful?

    I know the mods can't go around and manually lock the threads-but since I seen the post merge (awsome feature btw :) ) isn't there some way to set the threads to just "auto-lock" themselves to prevent reviving?

    Just a thought...I know back when I tried to make my own I never seen this feature..but nethier post merge-prehaps times have changed alot since those days...

    Any who-I posted my small and prehaps pointless idea (it may make the site look more unfriendly prehaps-not if only the pushed back old topics remain locked).

    Night y'all.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I'm all for it.

    Might not be so bad when an old post gets kicked up and something useful was added, but the few I have been seeing ended in utter BS just to get a post point count, and you know Reider has to be near the point of popping a vein, hopefully he is stocked up on aspirin.
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    The only forum type place I've visited that ever auto locked old threads was Gamefaqs, and that is super annoying. Gamefaqs has one of the most unfriendly forum systems in existence.

    The only places this would be useful would be the general discussion sub forums, but even there, there are active threads that are years old. Anywhere else it is useful to have old threads open for people who have similar issues or people who have answers to questions that were never answered, and then when answered a record exists of that answer.
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I wasn't irritated by the threads being bumped so much as I was irritated by the people who bumped seemingly doing it either to be assholes or to raise their post counts. I'm all for leaving the threads unlocked unless I see no real way for them to be salvaged.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I also think it's better to keep "useful" threads open for necroposting as it keeps the various subsections clutter free from hundreds of threads talking about the same thing.

    Plus if you noticed, we (Moderators & the Admins) actually encourage necroposting so long as your post will add something insightful or useful to the topic :) It's actually several of the regulars who BS people who post on older threads :(
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Oh, really?

    Thought you guys hated it XD

    Well then, while it's hard not to make a new thread just because an older one can't be viewed on first site (like the "meaning of names" topics-2 of them now XD) but I may make some necro post now I know it's ok-as long as it's not stupid...

    BTW-I seen that halo babies topic-the one who said "pee off" sounds like a typical aussie to me-they ALLL talking like that where I am-I didn't think it was harsh but only because I gotten used to it.

    Oh well-each to thier own-thanks anyways for the explanation.