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Analysts: Without price cuts, Wii could be in trouble

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by MadmanNero, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    More "borrowed" news to share...About the PS3 price drop and its effect with Nintndos Wii.

    Orginially posted by Ben Silverman at games.yahoo.com/plugedin

    Thanks to months of rumors, Sony might not have shocked the gaming world by finally dropping the price of the Playstation 3 last week. But with a fresh, $299 model en route to retailers, they've certainly changed the face of the console war.

    And according to multiple analysts, the company with the most to lose is none other than Nintendo and its market-leading Wii.

    Game site Gamasutra checked in with a group of industry experts to get a glimpse into the post-PS3 price-cut future. The consensus? At $299, both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 are in perfect position to make some serious gains on Nintendo's Wii, which is the only system yet to see a price cut and is currently available at the suddenly not-so-bargain price of $250.

    "I think that they may see sales suffer, and certainly will see sales down year-over-year," says oft-quoted Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter. "So we have to see if they cut, unbundle and cut, or rebundle (with Wii Sports Resort plus Wii Motion Plus). They’re hard to figure out."

    His thoughts were echoed by Kaufman Bros. Todd Mitchell, who notes that Nintendo is "struggling to keep the Wii relevant."

    Jesse Divnich from EEADR concurs. "While the target audience for the two platforms varies greatly, some consumers will face a tough decision to purchase the Wii with outdated processing power or the PlayStation 3 with a built-in Blu-Ray player," he says.

    Earlier this month, however, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata insisted that a Wii price cut simply wasn't on the radar, leaving consumers to wonder exactly what Nintendo is planning to do to combat the gains made by its rivals.

    Whatever they do, they’d better do it quickly. Based on a chart-topping flood of pre-orders on both the US and UK versions of its site, Amazon is already warning consumers to expect shortages of the forthcoming PS3 Slim and has limited sales to one per household.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member


    You know the only real reason why I support the Wii so much is because I hacked mine.
    Without the hacks, the Wii is just about as good as scrap metal...err plastic.

    The Wii really can't cut any corners, besides maybe getting rid of the Gamecube backwards compatibility, and the four controller ports, but without that, what is the Wii? They have no HDD, and no internal conveniences to rip out, so your only option is to take out the bundled game, and possibly, your only controller (if you really want to cut the price down). lol
  3. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    With this rash of "New Motion Control" of Game Cube games I can see them taking the backwards compatibility out eventually.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    And ruin what's left of the Gamecube library.
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Probably. I've kept all my original GC games I liked so I am not worried about it.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    this post deserves a triple rofl,
    rofl, rofl, rofl!

    if nintendo can deliver the goods then there won't be a price drop. there will be a point where the wii will be the most priced item compared the two and as a matter of fact, it's actually at a mid point [the 360 is $200, $50 cheaper then the wii].

    the wii is the only system that can offer the values that their target audience can get, that is non gamers, ex-gamers and gamers. the 360/ps3 however are only targeting gamers, which is only going to attract sales for that particluar group. this is why there will not be a price drop any time soon.

    the price drop of the wii will only hurt nintendo and not their customers.

    the analysts are wrong and will always be wrong. i don't know why they'll always be wrong because for some reason they don't do their jobs. if you read around the net, you'll find the same idea that i have mentioned. nintendo is hard to figure out? nintendo has been literally publicly announcing their plans since the start of the wii and yet all the analysts have been doing is ignoring it.

    the ps3 price drop will only offer relief for a short time period. when 360 goes down, so will sony and nintendo will still be 250. talk about value! you pay $600 for a ps3 in launch and 3 years later it's half the price. in another 2-3 years later it'll be half the price again. if this trend is common, people will not buy the system until it has reached a price point where they believe the true value of the system.
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I think Nintendo is trying to make their money on the accessories just like that new sensor that attaches to the remote wiimote whatever its called, it will not work on older games, but you watch and see if its not a requirement to have on games from here on out. Then they are going to come off with something new that you will have to buy or you won't be able to play.

    Now that I agree with.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Wrong. I'm glad I bought my PS3 shortly after launch before they started ripping out the backwards compatibility to combat high costs. They think that by taking out the backwards compatibility and putting in a bigger HDD at a lower price will attract sales. It does, to an extent, but personally, I'll take my 60 GB HDD, switch it out with a high end 500 GB HDD and call it a day. In fact, I remember someone here on the forum is looking for a 60 GB PS3 specifically for the backwards compatibility. To me, the $600 was worth it, even more than the current gen PS3s because anyone who buys them will never, ever be able to play their PS2 games on it. I'm sure that with enough time, the backwards compatible PS3s will be selling at a much higher price on ebay compared to their non-backwards compatible brethren.

    The Xbox is a different matter that I don't specialize in, so someone else can do that. I know that they have 360s without HDDs, which is essentially a beefed-Wii minus retarded motion controls. I would think Microsoft would do the "iPhone method," by offering a cheap system, but charge a buttload per month for the online portion. Damn you Apple. Damn you Microsoft.

    Off-topic. I am one of the few people that I know of that is avoiding Apple's extremely retarded $30 a month mandatory data plan. Sure, I don't have 3G internet on it, but I still have the Wi-Fi, which is all I wanted it for. My iPhone is essentially an iPod Touch, with phone capabilities, minus the online bullshit. And with each month passing, I'm keeping $30 that would've been wasted just by having an iPhone. Haha, suckers.

    I don't mind paying for stuff, but having to pay monthly for an indefinite amount of time is the worst sort. I would rather just pay one big lump sum and never have to pay for it again. This is how they make their money. They offer a cheap system (let's just say $100, instead of $300, and then for a year of online, you have $15x12, or $180. 180x + 100, instead of just having a function of a constant $300). The longer you use their service, the more you will pay in the long run. This is why I'll never own a 360.

    Companies don't just lower their prices of their products. The lower cost is usually a product of whatever it is that they took out. The saying goes, "You get what you pay for."
  9. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    What of it? If you'd read the article, you would've realised that Nintendo has the most to lose from all this.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    they is doing that....its call Xbox live, pay to get online and pay to get the stuff online after paying for online.....

    anyway i dont really like the price cut because we cant call other "cheap" anymore =P
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    nintendo doesn't have anything to lose. if nintendo reduces the price then they will simply hurt themselves and not benefit from it. you can read a lot and know a lot about nintendo by reading this, http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/090508qa/index.html. everything there is bold out face forward. i still don't understand how one of the analyst say nintendo is "hard to figure out"?
  12. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Nintendo have the power to say

    "All DS and Wii buyers are ass holes."

    Sales will drop only %10.
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Should be:

    Don't put periods at the end of links. lol
  14. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    A dent in profits still counts as a loss.
  15. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Quite frankly I'm going to take this with a grain of salt because "analysts" just talk shit. just cos they wear a suit instead of a cardboard box asking for food/money people listen to what they say >.>
  16. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    My brain.
  17. LD64

    LD64 Well-Known Member

    I've read over and I think you need a reliable source to make a comment like that.
    Anyway, the Nintendo Wii has sold the most consoles out of the three major consoles so far.