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An apology from an Asshole

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    This is regarding my harsh remarks on the posted topic by "Peach is Awesome".

    Okay I admit I was very rude but to be honest I really thought that everyone on the forum knew what rhey're doing. Hello!? We're all game lovers here & we all share the same sentiments regarding ROMs, didn't we all got bummed when the site got a run in with the law? There are even people asking, demmanding, ranting that ROM DLs be resumed!

    I just thought that people entering the site knew the issues surrounding the world of ROMs & Emulation. Then a total newbie comes along & asks a valid but somewhat ludicrous question, I couldn't help myself again I am very very sorry :(

    I was thinking though, maybe this was the strategy the ESA used to determine weither the site was doing somethin' "illegal". Make a somewhat clueless newbie ask about ROMs then if the forum people entertain his query then poof! We get hooked, lined & sinkered if ya know what I mean.

    I always thought the site was a closely knit community but I guess I was wrong ;D ;D

    I also am one of those people who don't like Bill Gates (Grr! I really hate the guy) & his Microsoft empire, hence my remark on not giving any crap as to Peach is Awesome's remark that he's using whoop di dah Vista.

    As to the issue on safety regarding ROMs, I just read another post that some sites have trojans coupled with their DLs heck I remember going on a site that was infested with worms, as soon as you finish "registering" on their site BOOM!! your PC gets infected!! Good thing though I was on an Internet Cafe when I visited that God forsaken site, so it was the cafe's PC that got infected not my "Babe", I did pay damage to property bills for that though hehe.

    Oh & thank you for not permanently banning me from the site for being a total jack ass, that's how I truly am really. If you really knew me, as in if we grew up together, you'll know that I'm such a stubborn hot head, if something ticks me off, I'd turn Hulk green & rampage til I cool off, really no kidding.

    BTW, my profile pic, that's really my butt ugly mug & if it's okay to the admins I'd like to post my Friendster profile it's

    http://www.friendster.com/cahosrahneveloza hope you'll atleast view it :)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The ESA are unlikely to employ tactics like that while their current tactic of assuming a site or person is guilty works. The UK TV Licensing Authority use the same tactic.
  3. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i read that article you wrote and glad you now know that you're an asshole.

    btw, bill gates is awesome and so does some of the things his company make. i don't know what is all the anger and hate on him but i believe people are just jealous at his great success.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its not so much bill gates people don't like, its his company. Their new CEO (gates has retired) is an asshole who can't control his temper. Plus the company have a reputation for shady business tactics and strong-arming smaller companies.
  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    that's how business work, what else do you want. how come no one complains to any other company, such as clothing companies and such, and only complain about microsoft. what about macy's and it's affiliates who destroy the opportunity of new individuals who are trying to bring out their own product line.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because they aren't selling a stolen product, they haven't forced a few hundred other companies out of business and they don't have a global monopoly?
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i don't think you can really say that, stolen and global company, as ralph lauren, calvin klein do have global companies and may have stolen products. we can't really say as we don't really know what goes on in the fashion industry as no one complains about it.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Then how do you explain alot of the prominent people in the net saying the same thing "Microsoft sucks, so switch to Linux don't be a Microsoft slave!" :)
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, yes I can. MS-DOS was created by illegally reverse-engineering an OS called CP/M in the 80s
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Gates retired? I never knew that...
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Another aspect of Microsoft people hate is the fact that the OS is usually plagued with security risk factors that the company "say" that they "may" have overlooked.

    Second would be that for every new OS, microsoft places a heavy burden on the consumer, I'm talking about high system specs. For example, to run Vista your ram must be atleast 512mb & that's the minimum. It also needs a huge chunk of HD space to occupy that's why most people here in Manila still use XP. Also some applications Vista uses require you to have high internet speeds, again not everyone here can easily afford (including me :'()

    And THe biggest issue about Microsoft is the monopoly that the company has on the PC platform, not to mention the fact that they now invaded the vid-game scene, which alot see as the beginning of a Microsoft monopoly of Vid-gaming in the not so distant future unless Nintendo & Sony do somethin' about it.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it is not just high specs, they also charge a ridiculous amount for software that isn't fit for purpose.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    isn't that normal, to back engineer something and eventually improve it and such.

    microsoft may dominate the video game industry because of the shift of pc to console gamers. microsoft is all about pc and when they build consoles they build it like a pc, therefore it becomes a video game console pc. remember when the first xbox was created and all the critiques it got was that it was like a pc. the many games microsoft makes and get on their game consoles are mainly fps, fps and sports. since many pc gamers love fps and fps games, they eventually look for other sources of entertainment that have what they want to play, fps and fps. look at all the line up of games being released for 360 and you'll see plenty of fps games that may or may not make it to the pc. what's even better is that the fps games are the same that you get from the pc [lan play, multiplayer online, score boards, downloadables, etc......] and the cost of buying the console compared to buying a pc is cost effective for the gamer. this has been brought up several times, you often upgrade your video card on a pc just to play the newer games then compared to a console.

    you can't say their software sucks due to security issues because if linux was windows, it would still have security issues. you simply can't cover everything and not get a hole. when you build a new house it will eventually run into problems. do not mention that windows gets a lot of virus because it get's those viruses from people who do not like the company, if that was said the same about linux [there are haters of linux] then it would be the same [as people will create harmful software for the program].

    vista is a problem in which microsoft emphasized too much on it's graphical appeal rather then on it's performance, that is what most people will tell you.

    linux, make it user friendly. i didn't knew dos commands were very popular in todays world.

    i'm not a microsoft lover or hater, i'm just in between.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No, it's illegal, unless the software license expressly permits you to, which closed-source licenses do not. Even so, passing off a modified version of someone else's program as entirely your own work, as Microsoft did, is not only illegal but also immoral. Even if the license permits you to modify the code, chances are it does not allow you to sell that code for profit.

    Yes, you can. While it is true that Windows prevalence in the market makes it a larger target, it is considerably less secure than Linux, regardless of popularity, due to the way it is written. While windows 2000 onwards made vast improvements over earlier versions, Windows will never be as secure as Linux unless it is completely re-written from the ground up.
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    See what Microsoft did to newbie pc users??

    THEY made you "soft", if you're really into gaming, Rom Hacking & emulation you wouldn't shrug off DOS thar easily coz YA NEED DOS to do some of those thangs, well okay mostly on ROM hacking & translations maybe. And hey, if you're like me who still has a workin' SNES & copier/loader, DOS is kinda important.

    And then you see these guys asking for help regarding some pc matters requiring DOS who then say "but I don't know DOS".
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you have to understand why it's only in dos and there are no gui and such for those hacking and copier and such, because they don't want to make the effort to make one. you're talking about being soft, yet it shows their being lazy.

    about the security thing, what i wanted to say is that it's like america's national security problem. though there is a security program there is still a loop hole in it. even if you do make readjustments in the program to improve it's sensitivity, there are ways around it. basically, whatever they do, there is always a way. look at those anti piracy programs [drm, etc,etc,] there are always a way to go around it. so regardless if windows rework itself, there is always a security issue and there will always be a problem.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there is a gui for dos, its called windows 1 - ME
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    LAZY!? You're the one who's lazy!! OOOOH! they don't got no GUI!? OOOH I don't use stuff with no GUI OOOHHH WHOOP DI FUCKIN' DA!!!

    FYI, got to http://www.romhacking.net (hope I'm not violating anything by posting this) & see that those programs now have GUI interfaces for lame asses like you, though the REALLY HARDCORE (veteran hackers) there all say that, "all you newbies be greatful for the guys who made those appz & made hacking easier for you, BUT you're all still LAME!!!" ;D ;D

    Oh FYI again once there talk to Gideon Zhi, so he can bash talk you more for being lame!! ;D ;D

    And what about those Network terrorists, Hackers (or jackasses as everyone else call them)? Do you think they make viruses & worms with GUI interfaced programs? Hell no! You have'ta learn basic programming language (though DOS isn't really) to be a REAL bad ass!

    If you "ULTRA" post another whiny reply it only proves one thing: YOU'RE REALLY LAME!! GTFO BIIIIIAAAATCH!!!
  19. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Hey Mr asshole you turned hulkgreen again.

    If are truly sorry for your previous outburst than try stopping yourself from getting into your hulky state.
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Argh! you're right damn! :eek:

    It's really freakin' hard to contain one's self when ther're people who don't have a bigger picture of what's really goin on! :(