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An accurate explanation for warning system.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by mds64, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Currently, if you get warned, you just get a brief "you've got a warning for spamming" as an example

    What I'm suggesting if prehaps ethier a quote of the offending message or prehaps a direct link to the post in question.

    I haven't been on here often latley because I'm been busyier in real life and on another site, so to be perfectly honest-I have no idea what I might have done-all I know is I apparently spammed a topic...

    From my memory (which is bad I admit) While I made a few "spam-esc" type post I made an effort to try and go towards the right direction.

    I also made this because I wish not to pm the admins of our fair site, as I know I've annoyed them a fair bit lately...

    I'm only arguing because I already have one of the highest post count here (mentioned in my warning about post count), I'm not even trying to boost my post count, nor spam topics outside of the fun and games section, I apoligise but I mearly want to know EXACTLY where I went wrong, I don't remember doing A mear "XD" like the last one...and I know I shouldn't be doing this ethier, this is only because I'm...a bit on the thick side if you get what I mean :(

    Thanks for your time.
  2. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    By not drawing specific lines, the mods have greater discretion with what they consider rule-breaking. They're a sly bunch, they are.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok I just tralwed thru my post, and the only one I can think of was because I saw a user I help (as in I help with techical issues) post something and I thought I'd post my 2 cents...

    I wasn't offended with the topic because being the net, I kinda expect some what...inapporpiate comments, if anything, I was trying to calm the person who posted along side me-in which both out post got deleted.

    It might not be that topic...I just saw one that I thought I answered recently...and yet no replies listed.

    But to my original point (which is the real reason for this mess)-prehaps quoting the offending message before deleting it and using that as evidence could potentially stop repeat offenders who only have a vague idea of what they done-because apparently from what I've been told...

    "User's shouldn't ask why and how they got the warnings they have been given".

    I only considered this because "thick" user's like me might not quite understand why.

    Ethier disability/young/or not "forum trained" might be the reason-and let me tell you my comprehensions at times is rather pathetic for someone of my age, I admit this.
  4. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I'd hate to sound like an ass here, but posting a thread like this maybe isn't your best option. I personally don't know the reason from your warning, so I'm not going to comment on that.

    The point of my post is that it really isn't the best idea to create a thread for everyone to see that questions why you got a warning. Especially a senior member like yourself...Who I'm sure is looked up at by all new members in Romulation.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Point taken, I will omit some of some of my thoughts on the matter.

    I was just...taken aback and shocked more than anything, the sence of "fear" you could say.