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Allods: New FREE MMORPG starts February 16th, 2010

Discussion in 'PC' started by mrnails, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    Allods: open beta (Free to Play) starts February 16th, 2010

    grab it HERE.

    1080p Part 1 Preview

    1080p Part 2 Preview

    for a two 80 pvp WoW player and for a free mmo i think the game looks outstanding. stopped WoW cuz i went back to school and didn't want a monthly price tag following me around if i couldn't make time for it. hopefully this won't be as addicting. lol.

    the game has 2 factions, an AH & PVP!!!

    i still don't quite understand the fatigue xp tho.

    see ya in the no0b areas! enjoy :p
  2. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    It actually looks pretty good from what I saw. Thanks for the heads up. Might check it out :)
  3. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    LvL 5 Elf Templar Paladin

    a lot more goes into lvl'ing up ur toon as opposed to WoW. there's like 10 stats to pick and choose what u wanna lvl. u DON'T auto lvl. lol, so many ppl playing atm. the starting areas are swamped and i was shocked i only lagged out once in 3 hours. i've got my setting's on max and the game plays perfectly fine @ 1920x1200.

    i wanted to make this toon a tank, but word on the street from the closed beta is that paladins can't take for shit and we should leave that roll for the warrior. so, imma go ahead and make this guy a dps. kinda wanted to go tank, so i'll just lvl up a warrior too.

    game looks well, plays well and has a lot of implementations addons have brought to WoW. talk of already adding more classes and what not.

    fyi. game has instances and end game raid for those who care.
  4. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I got level 8 (I play on europe so I won't see you), on an Arisen Mage (sorcerer), heh, the server is FLOODED with russians because they left theirs due to something called..... Fear of death? I think it was fear of death, it's known as the game killer. Joined a guild, it's a lively bunch with pretty much 18+ content continually, which is to my liking :D

    Thanks for the heads up for this game, it's actually pretty cool, but after reading up on that FoD, I might be apprehensive.. I am currently out of work, as I am waiting to be called up, so, money is extremely tight -- Can't even get a crappy part time job for the wait ^^. I am living on bread and water. <3

    Still fun though. :3
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    mrnails write in full English sentences as per our rules. Shorthand/text-speak words are not permitted here.
  6. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    Yeah, just read up on fear of death. It's basically resurrection sickness in WoW, but longer it seems. Read that once you reach level 40 it can be roughly 40-50 mins long, but can be "dispelled" with some sort of perfume (in which you buy). Depending on how much this perfume costs it shouldn't be so bad, but then again 40+ mins debuff seems rather awkward in my opinion.

    I too sir am out of work at the moment, so i won't be playing this 24/7. Just when i have my school work done.
  7. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Looks interesting... I'm not really MMO fan though, exping bores me :p I'll maybe try it though...
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I played the Beta. The controls were horrible, so after a few hours I quit.
  9. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    By this do you mean there's no auto attack? No cruise control for you. For me the gameplay is pretty standard stuff and isn't much different than the norm.

    Some things that annoy me though are:

    1. When you join a party then leave their icons stay on your map UI. You have to log to clear it up.
    2. The merchant icons have followed me around as well. see #1.
    3. After leaving the staring area the musical scores aren't complete. Seems most people just play their own music in the background and while I do this as well I'd like a taste of what they have to offer at first. Especially, seeing how it's a new game and much is to be heard.
    4. Camera is ALWAYS on follow. There's an option to turn it on, but is pointless when it's always on.
  10. Robo-Ky

    Robo-Ky Active Member

    I may try it, but if it is like WoW I think I'm not going to like it
  11. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    What about WoW don't you like?
  12. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    I could have a guess for him.
    The 24/7 n00bs who don't know the meaning of outside.
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Mindlessly clicking the attack button over and over is not my idea of good controls. At least when Age of Conan did it they had attack directions and made a little bit of skill to it.

    Leave the basic attack to Auto, and skills to hotkeys or mouse clicks please.

    The camera system was clunky.
    There was no good "click to walk to an area". You had to move with the keyboard.
    If you clicked to interact with an enemy or object your character would just sit there, wouldn't move towards the object/enemy. You had to manually move close to the enemy, and then constantly click "attack" to attack.

    Call me lazy, but the lack of these basic things make the game unpolished and annoying.
    The graphics were also sub par for a new MMO. Most of Gpotato's MMO games have better graphics.

    Also, it's Gpotato. They have a new MMO every week.
  14. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    I don't mind that it doesn't have auto attack, but the camera I can agree with. it's shit at best. They really need to add some more options for it. One of the first things i did was disable the click to move. Clicking to move is retarded. As for Age of Conan i too played that upon release and i liked it. It was actually pretty good, but like I said I played it upon release, so once you cleared the no0b area NOTHING was done in the game. Needless to say i left once my 30 days was depleted. Also, of course this game isn't polished. BETA!
  15. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    This game is insanely good, I hated WoW but this is really cool. Credits to mrnails for finding a new PC game for me :). I'm a LVL 4 Elf Paladin atm, female of course. :)
  16. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    yeah, i'm digging it as well.

    Level 12 Elf Templar Tank


    Level 7 Elf Priest Healer
  17. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Well,whats the metacritic score for this game?
  18. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    Why does that even matter? I'm not the type of person who reads a review and decides whether to play a game or not. That's idiotic.

    My toons are level 16 for my tank now and level 12 for my healer.

    So far, so good. My tank is my miner and my healer is the blacksmith. LoL, blacksmithing is almost like a mini-game in it's own way. You don't just use mats to create stuff. Makes it a little more interesting.

    Finally got my 24 slot bag for my tank. I'll work on doing that for my healer as soon as he hits level 15. Basically, you have to farm mats to create the bag. Took me 3.5 hours to do so. Some players took 6+ hours, but they did the quest at an earlier character level. I waited until i was able to 1-2 shot the mobs. :p

    Orc Paladin PvP video
  19. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    LVL 6 paladin ATM. Completed the World Mystery 'June Stone' but right now I have no idea WHATSOEVER of what to do or where to go. I'm just like hiking out in Novograd.
  20. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    Basically, you're now in the MAIN city for the rest of your adventure. This place is going to be the central hub for everything you do. All you have to do is walk around and gather the "exclamation" marks (quests) and you're good to go. One thing this game does NOT do well with quests is the implementation of them. For instance, you might get a quest at level 7, but in all actuality you won't be able to get it done until level 15+. There are a lot of these.

    Make sure you drop by the Auction Hall (AH) just to get yourself familiar with it if anything, but you never know.. you might just find something in there very cheap and useful for you. There are also professions you can pick up. If your new at MMO's and/or just having difficultly with this game I wouldn't bother picking any up right now. As of right now the professions won't get you anything worth while anyway. Once you have some spare coin to throw around you should pick one up though. Don't forget to drop by the bank as well. You will be able to unload unwanted items into it for safe keeping. :p

    Lastly, once I reached the point to where you are now I deleted my character and started over. You can NOT go back to the starting zone. If you did NOT get respected with the "Survivors" there it's highly recommended you did. Once respected you are able to upgrade all your equipment to the better blue colored gear and they are extremely worth it. This gear would last you until level 10, but once you reach level 10 it WILL get replaced.

    woo-hoo. level 19 paladin tank & level 15 priest healer!!!