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All your roms are belong to me now!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by G4M3R76, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. G4M3R76

    G4M3R76 New Member

    Greetings all, Iv'e been a gamer since my first atari 2600, was a big sega freak back in the day and still am, lately iv'e taken some time off teh PSU and werk and gotten back into "retro gaming" theres nothing like reliving your wasted youth eh? Since i finally got a psp iv'e been getting back into the old school games. I truly feel that good replay value is timeless, and that there is a lot of underdogs out there, i.e. deadly towers, one of my first nes games, i truly loved it, AND would love to hear if anyone else out there has also beat it, imo it was one of the most difficult/frustrating dungeon crawlers iv'e played aside from "the immortal", maybe cuz i was barely a teenager then, now i'm 32 and playin it once again thanks to u guys. If i'm not playing games i'm either werking, or songwriting, or reading/drawing comics and so on. Blame! and Biomega are my favs, i love Nihei, he inked/wrote all ten volumes of blame by himself over a course of 5 years, he also worked on Halo i believe, deadspaces creator himself said he based his enviroments off Niheis werk. also Miyuzakis (SP?) Nausicaa was thirteen years in the making, if you have only seen the sqwoze up anime, or XD japanimation as we knew it back then, u r missing out on a truly epic (28 issues?) series. Games i'm playin now? All 4 the panzer dragoons and ... the precursor, the mighty Galaxy Force 2 (have fun finding that one) I played that one inside the moving chair in the arcade a few x and i guess it really stuck w/ me. yeah... a buck a game in 1988 {o_O}; didn't go far. Really adds to the glory when u beat it cuz that mofo was hard. Will deffinetly donate some more when i get my sorry arse back to the grind, til then i'll be kickin back, playin me some games \nn/ {~ ~} \nn/ -wewt!
  2. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation!

    I sense a new fad...
  3. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    welcome to RomU G4M3R76

    hope you have a good stay here at the forums ^^
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm your title (tagline) kinda sounds like your bragging about freeloading, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Many a members have been banned from the site for that as the Admins don't really appreciate freeloading per se.

    Oh & how rude of me, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it here too.


    Disregard what I said above, I got your tagline now, you were playing with the "All your Base are Belong to us" meme :-[
  5. G4M3R76

    G4M3R76 New Member

    Thanks for the welcomes, sorry if my tagline was missleading, i don't usualy post much if ever. actualy imma little confused myself, ..."fad?" why fad? wjw...
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The "All your Base are Belong to us" phrase came from a poorly translated game that became a major fad back in the 90's, there were shirts with it printed on them & some clubs played music mixes with it being part of the song.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Zero Wing, only released in Europe (was eventually released in the US minus the 'All your base' intro)
  8. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Hi and welcome to RomU!! I hope to see you alot in the forums!!
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