Aliens dont need games, they have the technology to play 'real life' I mean seriously anal probing isnt for them to research us, its just an interesting game they play with real life
Even if their civilization is ahead of us, I think they still find time to amuse themselves Anal probe anyone?? ;D
This Alien Guy is pretty cool though... Shoots lasers, and doesn't afraif of nothin You get what I'm saying, I bet that Games were a fad.... but still real life isn;t a fad.. it's real...really real
Burn. I think they come to our planet and freak people out for fun. "OMG ALIENS!!!!!!! WTF CALL THE POLICE ZOMG!!!! IM ON TV LOL!!!!"
why do aliens need games they far smarter then us even i try to be smart at the end i end up being stoopid lawl plus aliens are too advanced they dont need games they have they own games .. lol wow that leaves an inspiration to me on this topic lol
Not necessarily. Movies show aliens as "advanced" creatures that have giant lasers and spaceships. What if they're basic beings like bacteria, or animal like?
what i mean is by doing they own games they know how to have fun even when they basic or animal like duh
of course aliens play games - it's a realistic version of "The Sims" involving mankind. i know beause my player keeps trying to kill me