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AKAIO 2i, auto update, now white screen

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by padfoot, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies.
    Noticed i needed Acekard2i w/ AKAIO Firmware 1.6RC1 to play the Pokemon games, so i wasn't really sure how i check what i have. I have an Acekard 2i, and Akaio. OK i found a readme, i have 1.5. Here's my problem, whilst i was looking in the options, i came across WIFI Update. So i figured it would auto update. I then proceeded to select;

    Now it's said it's been updated, but now when i click to update CHEATS or even WIFI PLUGIN, i get a double white screen. Argh! I suck at this stuff. I'm wondering how i can upgrade to the required firmware without failing... i'm sticking around so quick replies are appreciated. Any further info required, no probs.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...the auto update might only change the ak loader, take the obvious solution and just download the AKAIO Firmware 1.6RC1 to be sure.
  3. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Alright thanks dude. I don'y know what "only the loader" is so i guess i'll just delete and restart. Wont try it again i guess.
    I've just googled AKAIO Firmware 1.6RC1 and will assume i'm getting the right stuff... yay
    Post Merge: [time]1268742749[/time]
    Well i've got it sorted out. Thanks for the help haha.
    I'll just stick to download then putting it on card, although an auto update that didn't bugger up would be an amazing feature so i dont have to go through this trouble again. Game on!
  4. OXOBloxo

    OXOBloxo Well-Known Member

    loaders are now encrypted to only work on that persific version AKAIO (1.6 loaders will only work on 1.6 AKAIO)

    So new loaders wont work on akaio 1.5 etc

    Im not sure if the creator of AKAIO will release wifi loader updates or not as yet, i guess it depends if AKAIO it gets hacked again or not.