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Ak2i Help!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Omega87, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Omega87

    Omega87 New Member

    Okay, this happened like this, I ordered Ak2i from ebuylife.com which perhaps turned out to be cloned one. I couldn't update to latest AKAIO 2.6, it showed its a fake one.
    I installed old version, it worked...but when I restart dsi again, it showed 'error occur ed' and some guy told me to re patch it to 1.4.1 again,

    Now, it doesn't even show the card slot. I mean, even if it is inserted, its not showing in menu of Dsi

    Points to be known:

    1. My Dsi is 1.4.1 already.
    2. My Ackard2i was 1.4.1 and not 1.4 ( I don't know what is difference, yet...) patched already but because of the 'error occurred' I re patched to 1.4.1 again
    3. Then, Exactly after patching again, it does not show card in it.

    Please, I'd be glad, if you help me. I'm new in this nintendo world, I don't have DSL neither DSoriginal.

    Thanks in advance.! :)