Not sure if it's in the right section but here we go. I have 4 platies (3 black tailed one. 1 yellow tail one) 3 female guppies 3 male guppies 4 male black tuxedo guppies 2 sucking loaches 9 neon tetra's 1 plec (Catfish) I read about sucking loaches like cucumbers so i put some in and the liked it so i left it for one day. The day after they ate the hole thing except the skin and i looked at the other fishes and they were green a bit on the fins. Is this normal? Is it a disease? or is it just the cucumber? All of them have been affected excapet the sucking loachs the black tailed platie's, the plec and some tetra's.
Fish evolved from Cucumbers and still have similar genetics, I think that your fish is reverting back to a cucumber.
What the. Theyre not reverting back to cucumbers. All i did is put a cucumbers in the tank so they can eat it. It could of stained the water. Not really sure.
They most likely are. If you studied the fish genome like I did in super science school, then you would know. But really, some fish just acquire the colors of food they eat. Cucumber's pigments are green, so they most likely ate it and acquired that pigment.
Man, that almost brought tears to my eyes. As for the fish, just put them in a frying pan, and have them with a serving of rice.Very nutritious!
It should be normal ;D Why not try this test, boiled a carrot till it is soft and throw it it the tank. Wait one day after the fish has eaten the carrot and see if it has slightly red colour on the fins, if not your tank or your fish may have a problem. The tank one may be algae boom ;D
WHAT!! I'm scottish and even I've never seen battered cucumber. The best course of action is to thinly slice it and place between to slices of bread.
Be carefull, they didn't like the cumcumber, now they're frightened and have green camo, so you can't see them behind waterplants and they are going to attack you. Nah i'm just joking. BE SERIOUS PEOPLE, if there is something wrong with his fishes, and we are joking 'bout it, and the next day his fishes are dead, I would be very sad for nothing trying to save lifes. Just sayin'.
RUN RUN FAR WAY THEY ARE GREEN. you know what that means and you dont want to make them angry. what wait no it to late RUN RUN RUN.... they are not fish any more they are the FLUK!!!!!!!!!!
how did it go to green fish to cucumbers, to fried stuff, to green camo, to green fish, to the hulk then to the fluk?
They're still a bit green after a couple of weeks plus i some new fishies. 1 gold koi 1 Silver Shark 1 Silver Arowana (Lung Fish) One of my sucking loaches died. The arowana is ugly my dad wanted it so he bought it and put it in a seperate tank. The koi is with the neons and stuff. The Silver Shark is with the neons and stuff.