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After All That...

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Inylo, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    So guys, most of these, "Outstanding" March games have come out.

    After all that... Do you think these games are truly great?

    Rate the March Games that you think should be mentioned(If they are very bad, very good, or in between, it doesnt matter).

    If You Want To Comment Too, Thats Cool ( LIKE TELL WHY YOU RATED)

    AVALON CODE 2/5- Way too much talking. The customization aspect was long and hard.

    GTA CW 4/5- Incredible gameplay, including the drug dealing and buying, graphics werent bad either

    Suikoden Tierkries 3.5/5-A little bit hard to know where to go next, but it was a great story

    Valkyrie Profile HAVENT PLAYED!-But im sure its great

    Pokemon Platinum 4/5- Its pokemon... Its just great

    Blue Dragon Plus 2.5/5- Too hard... Bad story

    Legacy of YS- HAVENT PLAYED ENOUGH- its okay so far.. 3/5 so far

    Ya... Your turn lol

    Okay... Now most of you are saying Valkyrie profile , GTA, and Suikoden are good...

    What other games older or newer can you reccomend.

    Like what turn base RPGs, Strategy RPGS and well... GTA like games.

    also try to see if you can make em LESS POPULAR because Ive played most...
  2. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    avalon code sucked, the boy looks like an idiot (stupid dual swords)

    GTA was really good, already half way done

    Havent played suikoden tiekritis

    valkarye this game rocks, its like tactics FF

    Pokemon kinda like the others...

    Legacy isn't something i care too much for...
  3. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    AVALON CODE 2/5- Like i said, i agree with 1up that this game could've had potential to be one of the best ever, but they screwed it up with user-unfriendly interface.

    GTA CW 4.5/5- For someone like me who hates GTA games, im surprised that this game got me hooked! Great gameplay, a lot of innovations, and the dialogues aren't so bad either.

    Suikoden Tierkries n/a - Haven't tried it yet.

    Valkyrie Profile 5/5 - In a time where im starting to find strategy games like FFTA2 and Advance Wars to be stale, out comes Valkyrie Profile. It takes the heart of strategy games and combines it with the heart of Valkyrie Profile's gaming concept, and it resulted in a masterpiece!

    Pokemon Platinum 3/5- Just played it recently, but it already looks a lot different from the other titles.

    Blue Dragon Plus 1.5/5- Like i said on another thread. It's basically the same as FF12 Revenant Wings, and i hated that game.

    Legacy of YS 1/5 - I'm not feeling that game at all. Terrible battle concept.

    Let me just add other titles:

    Super Robot Wars K 3/5: Your standard SRW game, but i wish they bring back the voice acting.

    Henry Hatsworth 4/5: Just outstanding.

    And we still have Black Sigil and FFCC: Echoes of Time!

    The DS is seriously challenging the PS2 as the best console of all-time, and with this pace, it might actually win!
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Blue Dragon, and the YS weren't really included in the big upcoming games list this month.
  5. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    i disagree. Blue Dragon was a much-anticipated release mostly due to the success of Blue Dragon for the XBOX. In fact, it was one of 1up's most anticipated releases for 2009.

    Legend of Ys has a cult following that has influenced writers enough to write articles about it. The buzz just multiplied exponentially after that, so it was at least decently hyped.
  6. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    Avalon Code: The one complaint I have for this game is the number of code storage slots. Its inefficiency and impracticality makes experimenting with the codes tedious, which is really unfortunate since that was one of Avalon Code's most notable innovations. I'll give them that they have a grand backstory; I've become a bit tired of saving the world in the past decade. I'm also particularly fond of the dual weapons, much better executed than Children of Mana.

    Suikoden Tierkries: Haven't played it yet, but it looks very, very pretty.

    Valkyrie Profile: I've always wanted to play Valkyrie Profile, but I never had a PS1. I'm currently enjoying what I've seen and I hope they re-make Lenneth for the DS too.

    Pokemon Platinum: Haven't played it yet, but Distortion World interests me. I really hate how you have such a limited selection of fire Pokemon pre-National Dex, though.

    Legacy of Ys: It's my first time playing it, but I understand it has quite a following. I haven't really gotten into the game yet, but the gameplay is a bit too simple for my liking. I'll probably make my final call on it when I've had time to play a bit more.
  7. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    GTA DS: Haven't downloaded it yet, too busy with RPGs and SRPGs.

    Avalon Code: I agree with steirina, the four storage space for code is really limiting, especially when you're forging an item/weapon/armour that have 5 or more different Codes. I would love it if they expand the storage space.

    Valkyrie Profile DS: Holy crap, grid maps plus VP's battle system? Sweet. Plus, it makes placement easier than Silmeria.

    Suikoden Tierkreis: Have yet to try.

    Pokemon Platinum: Already downloaded, but still waiting to be decompressed and place into my cart.

    Ys: Simple. Nice anime opening. But replaying the first game over due to stupid oversight (read: didn't get the ring that protect against a certain, damaging floor).

    Blue Dragon: Haven't try yet. Doubt I'll care as much about the characters compare to players who played the original Blue Dragon.
  8. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    nice answers...
  9. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    and so far, Valkyrie Profile and GTA:CW have been getting great feedback.
  10. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Blue Dragon sucked, YS had good story, good graphics, but had such bad gameplay I deleted it immediately.
    Suikoden Tierkreis,Valkyrie Profile and GTA:CW are fantastic.
    Avalon code is not bad as well, but has user-unfriendly interface.
  11. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    Okay... Now most of you are saying Valkyrie profile , GTA, and Suikoden are good...

    What other games older or newer can you reccomend.

    Like what turn base RPGs, Strategy RPGS and well... GTA like games.

    also try to see if you can make em LESS POPULAR because Ive played most...
  12. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    'Make em LESS POPULAR'? You mean, generally speaking, underrated games that doesn't have as much attention, but are actually good?
  13. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

  14. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    Custom Robo Arena

    Awful story, great gameplay.
  15. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    Played it...
  16. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    how about from the abyss or summon night 2?
  17. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    From the abyss was shit! Summon night 2 is okay i guess
  18. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    Summon Night: Twin Age was grand; I loved the gameplay. Too short, though. I finished everything [including all post-game dungeons] within 25 hours and I was making it a point to do things slowly since I wanted it to last longer.

    From the Abyss was boring; it was a dungeon crawler in its simplest form.

    I can't think of anything to suggest, though; sorry.