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Advice on Wii Modchips (Wiinja, Cyclowiz, etc.)

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by tapwatah, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    I really want a wii modchip so I can play games I get from torrents, but the bad part is, I'm really paranoid about the matter. All (Wii) modchips require soldering, and soldering in the drive, but I'm more of a software person than a hardware, and I'm not sure what to do... anyone give me any advice?

    This is just like people getting nervous over getting a new car or something because they're afraid they will wreck it in the first 10 minutes they use it.
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Don't do it yourself, get someone experienced to do it, the contact points on the Wii are tiny and you WILL mess up if you try to do it yourself.
  3. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Who did it for you?
  4. Linkman DS

    Linkman DS Active Member

    Don't get it, if you update your Wii ( which you have to) your Wii will be broken and it'll never work again no matter what. (Nintendo is serious about this man, so don't install it).
  5. gam3r

    gam3r Guest

    I recommend the Wiikey
    (visit Wiikey.cn for info)
    and getting someone else who is VERY experienced to solder it.
    Make sure they have successfully installed a lot of them first!
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That's bull, I have the newest firmware and it's working fine with my WiiKey.
  7. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's pretty much bullcrap. The only thing that Nintendo did was block certain special reagons that things like AR, and certain modchip install cd's use.

    It has been worked around extremely easy.

    I wish I could mod my Wii, but I don't have the expertise and I don't know anyone that does. :-\
  8. kaiden

    kaiden Well-Known Member

    im waiting on team xecuters mod, any hear anything new about it?
  9. Kekka

    Kekka Member

    I have a wiikey in my wii, it works fine but some wii's wont work with it theres like a cart on the internet that tells u if your wii can work with the wiikey just by looking at the serial number at the back of it. if you got yours near the launch it should work fine. as for soldering it i got my brother to do it hes done xboxs befor so thats why i gave it to him todo, just give it to someone you know that has a soldering iron, it is pritty simple.
  10. Hogs Breath

    Hogs Breath Member

    Its not all that hard as everyone says it is. Just have to be REALLY patient, like have 2 hours of free time to make sure it works. Wiikey would be the best though.
  11. clugenheim

    clugenheim Well-Known Member

    For people who want to mod their Wiis but can't solder, you can look into getting the wlip (http://wlip.es/indexEnglish.html) and Wiinja. No, Wiinja isn't the best chip, but it requires absolutely NO soldering if you use it with the wlip. You still have to take apart your Wii though, so if you're uncomfortable doing that, don't. That's what I'm doing. And before you ask any questions about wlip.. actually LOOK at the damn site. I can't tell you how many people ask me questions about the thing that are answered on the site several times if they'd actually looked. I get pissed just thinking about it.
  12. devinjulian

    devinjulian Well-Known Member

    ??? So you can remove the Wlip and enabling WiiConnect24 won't overheat the console? (Like being able to remove the Wlip and have Connect24 on and to install the Wlip and have it Connect24 off and you can do this as much as you want?) ??? ??? ??? ???
  13. devinjulian

    devinjulian Well-Known Member

    ??? Do you need to install a mod chip into the Wlip itself???
  14. DemonHeadx

    DemonHeadx Well-Known Member

    By the looks of the thing, it looks like it clings on to the chip on the wii and on your modchip.

    But if you want to remove it you would have to open it and shit like that. i don't think you want to do that do you?
  15. N3M351S

    N3M351S Well-Known Member

    Shall i get a modchip 4 my Wii? (my sister is getting one soon)?
  16. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    No internet shorthand.