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Advice on where to purchase R4?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MusicAddict911, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I didn't know where to put this, since it's not really support and more general advice... so I put it in the General Discussion forum. I'm in the market to buy a R4 and sell/give away my M3 to a friend since they never update the %#$#$#in' firmware and I can't play some of the newer games that I really want to play. I usually buy from http://www.realhotstuff.com because they are reputable and shipping is really fast, but of course they don't have any R4's in stock. Any other stores based (preferably) in the United States or Canada? (UK stores are alright too)

    Personal experiences, reviews, etc. all welcome. :D

  2. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    I bought my M3 simply from nxpgame.com Not sure on shipping to Canada, probably do. Came in within 3 days. They also sell many other flashcarts.
  3. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Where are they based?
  4. azzaman

    azzaman Member

    you can get them of amazon (well there on .co.uk), most sellers sell them with a 1gb or 2 gb card
  5. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Doesn't say where their based....

    Could probably email them, they have fast support :)
  6. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    a friend of mine bought his recently on ebay

  7. Sampraz

    Sampraz New Member

    Hi there,

    I've used dealextreme (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.1202) on two seperate occasions and found them to be very good.

    It will take best part of 10 days (to UK at least) for delivery, but if you don't mind waiting, they are one of the cheapest that I could find when you take postage into consideration. I believe it is free postage worldwide...

  8. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Had some really good luck with a site called Sky2k.com They sell preflashed crap along with NDS carts etc. It seemed like a long time for del. but really only a week... i was just anxious to get it.. but pretty good price was the best i could find.
  9. sabermetrics

    sabermetrics New Member

    I purchased mine from Hong Kong, if that is anywhere close to where you live (probably not)... they are considerable cheap there too...
  10. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    I got mine from mod-chip.com. Very easy, and safe. Really cheap and they have a price promise where if you find it cheaper, theyll match it and knock 5% off. took about a week to ship to the UK, and it came from austria (thats what it said on the package anyway)
  11. kaiden

    kaiden Well-Known Member

    i buy from bamboogaming.com based in asia/australia i think.
  12. deadbird666

    deadbird666 Active Member

    well got mine .. at shopping mall near my house ..

    -maybe u should just buy it tru online :3-

    if u live in near asian *singapore,malaysia,taiwan or bla bla inside asian*
    these things are cheap :3
  13. Cybes51

    Cybes51 New Member

    To Buy one in Australia

    For any Australian this site should be your first choice, great price and overnight shipping, http://www.ozmodchips.com/
  14. daniel_l

    daniel_l New Member

    Maybe you aren't looking enough for firmware for your M3. I don't have any problems playing all of the new roms on my DS.
  15. daniel_l

    daniel_l New Member

    I found the latest software for M3 is v1.07 and it's at this site


    Have Fun. :)
  16. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    to me, location is important - consoleup do their stuff relativly cheap, m3 simply cost £23, the £3 next to 3 day delivery
  17. Agahnim

    Agahnim Well-Known Member

    I got my M3 from www.model-gadget.com and had it the very next day so they're very reliable. But im in the UK, you'd have to check if they ship overseas, im sure they do though.
  18. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    they don't seem to have the ez flash 3 in 1 stand alone... *sniff*


    i used consoleUP, even though their stuff can be a little more expensive than other UK based sites the delivery (£3 something) with royal mail did next day or the next 3 days. and they also sell nintendo ds's, which is a plus... but i don't like the fact that the bloody postman simply chucked my m3 simply through the letter box

    EDIT: before i forget to mention... please be careful with your r4/m3 simply, because the spring is really delicate - mine broke after 2 months, so i removed it (leaving the locking mech). and you don't get the spare white case with the card so of you break the tabs on the black case... use sellotape
  19. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    I got mine from http://echostore.com/r4ds.html. It only took a couple days to arrive once it got in stock.
  20. geckobi

    geckobi New Member


    This thread has everything you need to know about purchasing an R4.