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Advance R4i Revolution for DS

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by wild01, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. wild01

    wild01 New Member

    Ok, so I'm new to the world of Nintendo DS (never been a huge fan of Nintendo apart from the N64 Goldeye Bond game back in the mid 90's) and I'm trying to set my son & daughter's DS Lites up with movies etc on an R4i.

    They are both Nintendo DS Lites with an unknown history. I purchased an Advance R4i 3DS Revolution for DS (states its compatible for DS Lite) and have attempted to download the kernel software from the manufacturers website here wwblah blah.r4i-advance.com/en/down.asp and when extracting the files I get an error message from win.rar saying the archive is either in unknown format or damaged.

    I continued anyway as the file extracted, I've copied the files to a formated micro SD card (2GB) and when I put the R4i cartridge into the DS Lite I get to the firmware update screen, it checks the ID but returns the following error:


    Can't seem to find a solution to this, I can usually find my round technology but these DS & R4 stuff is new ground and its got me by the short and curlies! lol ::)

    All help and info appreciated 8)
    Post Merge: [time]1358454198[/time]
    Oh, also, after the IDMissmatch notice it move to Updatefinish.Pleasereboot

    If I reboot and select the music icon it display a boot error that flashes up quick but disappears. The screen then moves to a blue backgrond with a load of files.

    Boot log states:

    dldi version
    not found _DS_MENU.NDS

    Arggghhhhh! Heeeeelllllpppp! :)
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I went ahead and check that site and tested the link to it's ENG main firmware package. After testing it, let me just say the issue is on the site's. The package it provided is damaged. It won't matter how many times you try to re-download and decompress, it'll give you error after error.

    Check here for alternative source : http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/
    I'm not sure if the one listed there under R4i-Advance is what you need. But give it a go anyway.
    If it isn't what your cart need, then you've hit a wall. The site above might be just the last of your
    source option. I think what you need is the one labeled as 'R4i-Advance v.2.0 English .rar'.
    I might be wrong, but give it a go. Not much choice as I had said.

    1. Back up your SD Micro content to your computer & make sure your console is fully charged
    2. Format your SD Micro (I suggest using Panasonic SD Formatter, free to download)
    3. Add the ENG FOLDER to your SD Micro
    4. Run the SD Micro in your console
    5. Perform the installation

    If up to no.5, all goes well, try playing any rom that are scene numbered below 4000, it should work if you did everything right.
    Now to the next step:

    6. Download this from RetroGameFan v.6.96: http://filetrip.net/nds-downloads/flashcart-files/download-retrogamefan-multi-cart-update-696-f31199.html
    7. Extract and locate this folder 'R4i SDHC YSMenu'
    8. Copy paste the content of that folder to your SD Micro, when prompted about the 'TTMENU FOLDER' and it's contents, choose yes to overwrite/replace

    9. Download this v.6.96 r6147 from Jhon 591 : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.msg1423102#msg1423102
    10. Unpack the package
    11. Open your SD Micro on your computer, then go to TTMENU FOLDER
    12. Locate these files "extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, and savlib.dat', replace them with the one in Jhon's package.
    13. Done.
    14. Now you can try playing any rom up to rom numbered 6147 (according to Romulation's rom numbering system)
    15. Each time you want to play, make sure to run YSMENU.NDS first, then from there you choose which game to play

    If all goes well, you should now be able to play games up to rom number 6147 + several XXXX numbered roms as according to what is listed in ROMULATION. Each site has the rom numbered differently. As in all games released up to before 18th January 2013. Next time there's a newer update for YSMENU, just do step 12.

    Try see if it work. If it doesn't then sorry......I ran out of ideas since I don't own that cart brand. It's a low end clone by the way. Not quite reliable. Feel free to ask questions though, will respond when possible.
  3. wild01

    wild01 New Member

    Hey thanks Prectorian! 8)

    I've not had chance to try anything yet. Will let you know how I get on.


  4. staiin

    staiin New Member

    bjr merci pour la derniere info
    je vais essayer
    Post Merge: [time]1388353001[/time]
    bjr je viens d'essayez l'etape au dessus et ça ne marche pas, j ai toujours un mess d 'erreur..... la version 1.6 et 1.9 on des messages d'erreur au dezzippage . par contre la 2.0 n 'en a pas mais elle marche pas sur ma 3ds....et meme ds lite..... je sais plus quoi faire....
    merci si vs avez d'autre solution....
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    1. S'il vous plaît parler anglais! Je ne comprends pas le français.
    2. Je pense que vous la cartouche que vous utilisez est différent de celui mentionné dans la rubrique ci-dessus. Alors s'il vous plaît créer
    votre propre sujet dans cette section. Encore une fois utiliser l'anglais!