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Adept Emulation User, but Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword has problems

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Lukong, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    I made that term up, but today I to tell you all about the knowledge I hold about Emulation. I am one of many or few people who figured out how to stop the freezing on Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver using one of two best emulators that can be easily accessed can DeSmuMe 0.9.5 and that option has fixed almost every and any problem with NDS roms.
    I have even played Freedom Wings without a single problem - I used NO$GBA 2.6a and that is the only NO$GBA that has the auto option for NDS Cartridge Media Backup - and have played Assassin's Creed II - Discovery and have seen the AMIhacks.

    Now another the reason I put this out here, calling myself a AEU and not a MEU (Master Emulation User) - I even use Playstation 1 & 2 emulators with ease - one game holds me back, that game is "Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword".

    So far Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword is the only rom that doesn't work properly on either emulators, -NO$GBA 2.6a & DeSmuMe 0.9.5- if I play it on NO$GBA 2.6a I can't see the ground or the background and if I play it on DeSmuMe 0.9.5 I can't move.

    So I ask you hope can I make both come together and work as one. PM me back please I have had this problem and no matter how good I get at the other games I am hold back by Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword.
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Wow, you sure tooted your own horn here

    Also, googling Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword emulation brings you to this topic from google:


    and this message Dragon Sword is not fully compatible with no$gba 2.6a by itself; however using the no$zoomer addon you can fix it. Enable it by going to Other tab (H), then Extra, and then enable Ninja Gaiden.
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    By the way, have you tried No$zoomer?
  4. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys I have it, but don't like using it. Sorry I am so stubborn to myself I should have known to use NO$Zoomer, but the reason I don't cause of DeSmume 0.9.5., but then I should have realize that the reason I have both emulators is because they have different 3d renderers and I should have realize that if one has a dominate renderer then I should have tried NO$Zoomer (and I have it)

    THANKS GUYS you really are AEU's
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Nah, i just googled the phrase ninja gaiden emulation to find the answer lol.

    glad to help though :)
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try using the full package as well.