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Action Replay DSi

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Xerohk, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    I recently bought an Action Replay DSi, and it says it can run Homebrew games. Now, I did a little research and found that Homebrew games are games that are made by random individuals. But the question is, can this be exploited to run ROMs like the R4? If so, how do I do it? ???
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I'm surprised it can even run homebrew...

    BTW, why bother with the device may I ask, unless you lack a flash cart they can do all of the r4 can do...

    I can dump my game's and saves from my real ds carts to my acekard and add cheats that were originally intended to action replay usage.
  3. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    Cause I lack both a flash cart and an R4. That, mixed with a little brand loyalty. Plus it just makes it a lot easier. That's my opinion anyways.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I find r4's crap (acekard is one of the best, unlike the more known r4).

    And I understand your loyalty...though that does make me question why your here, I guess it doesn't matter.

    I find it easier on a flash cart, the cheat databases can be downloaded or just updated like using an action reply (they use the exact same system-from entering codes to usage).
  5. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    ^_^" I'm here because I use ALOT of emulators when I'm at home. The DS is just for while I'm away from my comp.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Fair enough, I loaded up my psp with plenty of roms...I hardly use the ds unless it's something worthy :)

    Well I could ask another question, but I think the question it's self has been answered.

    (Was just curious about why you wanted to know if the AR to run ds roms-or prehaps you wanted to know if ds made emulators could run on it, oh well, back to my translated copy of jump ultimate stars for now...)
  7. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    Just wanted to know beyond a shadow of a doubt if I could use my AR like an R4(or other similar thing) so that I could play my roms while not at home.

    -_- I hate desktops...I want an alienware laptop...

    When you say translated copy of Jump Ultimate Stars, how translated we talkin'? o_O
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ... :)

    All except for parts of the deck building (but I managed to make a decent deck with just the knoledge of big numbers and whos' in what catagory in terms of characters) and the unlockable quiz.

    It is certainly more enjoyable though, why in my links (the rom dumpers and what not...) I have the last known translation patch (sadly, they stopped making it).

    I detest using my laptop for gaming, sure resident evil 5 and dead space is fun...but not what I prefer.

    I'd say ether get a cheap flash cart (NOT an r4 what ever you do-those things suck) or get a psp prehaps...sure it can BARELY emulate ds games (hard to believe) but the fact is it can emulate everything else perfectly...provided you have the right kinda psp.

    BTW-the tutorial for JUS is perfect, from that i learnt how to make decks even though some of the deck building options are in jap...just trial and error helped me find the all important "save and quit" option :p
  9. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    What is a flash cart? I've heard the term, but never a description?
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    An r4 is a type of flash cart.

    They slot into the ds like a normal game cart, and allow homebrew software as well as ds roms to work.

    To actually work, firmware (just some running files-no flashing of the system required unlike the old days) and a micro sd card to store the data/roms is required.

    For me in Australia, $40 for an acekard 2.i, and $20 for a simple scan disk micro sd card (about 2-4gb is all one needs) is all that's required to get running.

    Firmware from various sites (in acekard's case it's the home page) will get the card running once installed correctly.

    It's simple once you start doing it :)
  11. matty999555

    matty999555 Well-Known Member

    Here's some reviews of different ones form GBAtemp

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