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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by thomascryer, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    just got a acekard 2i and a new dsi for my daughter the card wont work in it but it works ok in a ds what does that mean
  2. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    When you bought it, did you buy it with the most updated firmware that is able to run on the 1.41 version of the DSi?
  3. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    ummmmmm how do i know what firmware is on it
    Post Merge: [time]1294392957[/time]
    ive just put firmware 1.8.1 onto the card
  4. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Well if it is working on the DS and not on the DSi, it is most likely that the Acekard has the 1.3 firmware. That means it can't run on the DSi firmware which is probably 1.4 or higher.

    Luckily you can update the Acekard firmware using the DS with the lower firmware.

    Just follow the directions on this site.


    Scroll down to Firmware Update.

    Post Merge: [time]1294393275[/time]
    You put Akaio 1.8.1 on the microsd card, but that's separate. What you need to do is upgrade the Acekard firmware using the DS with the lower firmware.
  5. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    so if i update that then it will play in the dsi right?
  6. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Yeah you just have to download the file that is on that website and put it on your microSD card, put the Acekard in the DS and run the file. Once it is updated, it will work on the DSi.
  7. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    how can something so easy be so hard i down loaded it and extracted and put it in the root folder i guess thats the one that says aio on it i put the card back in the ds and it says system error if i take the files back out of the folder but leave them on the card then it just goes to the normal games screen
  8. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    put the ak2ifw_update_141.DSL.nds file on the root of the card, not inside any folders, then run the card on your DS and run the file.
  9. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    ok hang on ill try that

    Post Merge: [time]1294395979[/time]
    i dunno what im doing wrong here i just put the files back on the card put it in the ds and the acekard screen comes up i press that then micro sd card flashes press that and its the games list
  10. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    When you load the acekard into the DS, load it, then you have to click back, there is an arrow on the bottom screen on top. Click the arrow to go back and you will find the update file.
  11. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    pressing the arrow and it aint doing anything
    Post Merge: [time]1294396448[/time]
    so frustrating
  12. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    This is what your microsd card should look like...

    The file is there, you just can't find it.

  13. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    mine says aio,akmenu4,ak2ifw_update_141_dsl and ak2ifw_update_141_dsi
  14. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    You only need the ak2ifw_update_141_dsl

    the other one is used if you are going to use a DSi to update your card, but you're going to use a DSL
  15. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    taken that off put back in ds pressed the acecard icon that take s me to a screen with akaio 1.8.1 on the top screen and the time and date. on the bottom screen it shows a micro sd card flasing and the little arrow if i press the arrow it does nothing if i press the picture of the card it just takes me to the games menu.sorry to be a pain here
  16. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    the file will be there, you just have to click on the green arrow to take you to the root of the microsd card, it is the only file there, there will be no other files.
  17. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    im pressing it now but its not taking me anywhere
  18. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    okay, when you first load the acekard, click on the flashing micro sd card icon, then the file will be in there.
  19. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    found it it was in with the games wooppps
  20. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I knew it was in there somewhere, You should make a new folder on the root of your micro SD card named "games" and put your games in there.

    I'm off to sleep....It's 3 in the morning.

    Let me know if you get it working.