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Acekard Skins

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Lizz0784, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    I made some acekard skins. Only got 3 to upload so far since my internet is evil o_O;; But here you go =D

  2. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    They look very professional and easy on the eyes.

    May I request a custom skin? :)
  3. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    Sure =D I'll give it a try
  4. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Hmm... I'm myself making skins for Supercard, but I don't have Deviantart profile for it :p
    I uploaded some to SkinUp though...
  5. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    I just uploaded them to ndsthemes.com yesterday since the site is back up =D

    Deviantart is free to sign up for. I've never heard of skinup =P
  6. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    SkinUp is only for Supercard skins.
  7. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Here's my request:

    upperscreen - a cloud that streched up to the middle screen and a sun, located middle right, revealing its half glow (like an early sun exposing from the mountain). Then the calendar, time, username, etc. top half of it.

    lowerscreen - would be a spring at the lower right surrounded by trees, grass. I don't want the mood to be a classic fantasy type like with deers, squirrels, and etc. Something unique, you decide. :p
    EDIT: Lastly, I just realized the bottom screen doesn't have much image, like what you made, so perhaps a transparent image or lesser trees/etc?

    I want the upper and lower to look like connected somewhat. Also, can you add "Darkness" at the top screen, even if it's small.

    I hope I gave all the details... thanks, Lizz. :)
  8. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a good skin. I'll get started on that tomorrow since it's getting late here. =D I'll add Darkness to it in a size that looks good. Any font choices for that?

    Do you mind if I upload this to ndsthemes.com for other people? =D
    Post Merge: [time]1263369540[/time]
    I don't know if this is anything like what you wanted but let me know what you don't like about it or more of what you want.

  9. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I don't mind. It's yours to begin with. ;)

    Sorry I forgot about that...to be honest I'm not very familiar with different kinds of fonts... maybe similar to your Love Bird. It looks good in the sky, probably. For the lowerscreen, something stiff and sturdy, maybe century schoolbook?

    You can change it if you feel it's not good... obviously. :p
  10. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this is anything like what you wanted but let me know what you don't like about it or more of what you want.

  11. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I liked what you did with the upperscreen with the clouds and the sun. Just perfect. No changes needed.

    The lowerscreen picture is real, I want to be in a dream world so to speak when playing ds. Uhmm... can you make the image just like what you did with yours? Like a cartoony look with the same detail. Simple yet cool.
  12. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    Yup I can do that. Wasn't sure if you wanted real or cartoony =D
    Post Merge: [time]1263428489[/time]
    Any thought on this?

    Post Merge: [time]1263432038[/time]
    Ok photobucket decided to be nice... Or my internet and load the animated preview =D http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/Epwyna/preview-2.gif

    I can change the blue if you don't want that color, or change other things =D
  13. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Perfect! This is great! Just what I wanted. :D

    The color blue is just the right color. My DSi is colored blue so it fits just fine. Thank you very much Lizz. :D

    It only took you a day for you to make this skin. Wow.
    Post Merge: [time]1263441071[/time]
    One last request Lizz, can you change the Darkness into this: http://img.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/96089/the_darkness_logo_teaser_qjgenth.jpg without the QJ at the bottom right.

    And for heaven's sake place your name so I can show off who made this custom theme to my friends, surely they won't believe me without proof. :p
  14. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    Hehe =P Sure thing I'll replace the darkness and see if I can stick my name somewhere
    Post Merge: [time]1263445185[/time]
    Here you go. See if you like the final image and I'll give you a link to download =D

  15. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    That's it. Everything is perfect!

    Can't wait to set it up.
  16. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    Here you go. Hope mediafire is fast o_O;

    Post Merge: [time]1263446554[/time]
    Let me know if it works good on the ds =D I tested on mine so it should
  17. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Tested it and I'm in love with it.

    Thank you very much Lizz0784. You made my day. :)
  18. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    You're very welcome =D So glad you liked it
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Not bad-better than what's on display on the acekard site :)

    Simple yet effective.
  20. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    Have you looked at ndsthemes.com? They have some good acekard themes and it's a kid friendly site