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Acekard issues please help!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ohiojess82, Dec 6, 2009.

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  1. ohiojess82

    ohiojess82 Member

    Hi. First off i am in completely over my head trying to figure this out, so please bear with me! i have an Acekard 2, and an Acekard 2i... dont really know the difference except the 2i one is probably newer... see i told you im completely clueless. i would really like to learn how to patch/fix the newer games, especially Zelda Spirit Tracks, Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story, and Kingdom Hearts. I just really dont understand what anyone is talking about. emulator? no idea. i downloaded Dslazy... dont get it. i looked through the tutorials... too advanced! is anyone willing to break it down into baby, baby steps? i dont understand the firm wear, ive had my Acekard2 for almost a year, the only thing i have on it is a menu and roms, but i know you can put graphic menus, with options and all, mine is just a dark screen with the game list... Please help! i see that other people have the newer games... so i know its possable. i just need a mentor to help me out a little bit. thank you so much and i hope you dont think im too much of a lost cause!
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You are in luck... Acekard2 (and 2i) use the same firmwares. They also have updated firmware that makes them work without any problems on these new games.

    What you need:
    AKAIO 1.5 : http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/dl.php/AKAIO_v1.5.rar
    Latest AK2/2i Loaders: http://akaio.gbatemp.net/nloaders/

    With these, you should be able to play Spirit Tracks, Kingdom Hearts, and Bowser's Inside Story without any patching. The difference between the Acekard 2 and the Acekard 2i is just that the 2i works on the DSi, while the 2 does not (it is for the DS and DS Lite only)
  3. ohiojess82

    ohiojess82 Member

    ok, thank you, now... here's the question, what do i do with the files when i download them?
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    First, copy the games and save files from your MicroSD to your computer (just incase).
    Then delete the old firmware files.
    The AKAIO 1.5 firmware comes with a folder called __aio and an akmenu4.nds
    Put those on your MicroSD (you can leave the .txt readme files behind if you wish).

    The loaders, like they say. Open the __aio folder, and then open the loaders folder. Put this file in the loader folder.
  5. ohiojess82

    ohiojess82 Member

    ok you must think im so dumb! im sorry, do i need to do anything with my game files? or just leave them loose on the sd card?
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You can leave the game files where they are. Copying them to your computer is just a precaution incase anything goes wrong.
  7. ohiojess82

    ohiojess82 Member

    ok i just didnt know if i needed to put them in a different folder or anything. could you explain firmwear to me? what folder is it.. what does it do? i suppose i had one on there, i just dont know what it was! oh and how would i get the different menus?
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Your original firmware files were probably a folder called __ak2 and a file called akmenu4.nds
    The firmware is what runs when you first turn on your acekard (the menus and such).

    Delete those ones on your MicroSD and put the __aio and akmenu4.nds you downloaded on instead.
    Then put the loaders in the loaders folder inside the __aio folder.
  9. ohiojess82

    ohiojess82 Member

    ahhh i see i only had the ak4menu, not the other folder! thank you so much, bowser's story is working already, my sister is gonna pee her pants when she gets home, she's been wanting this game! one more question and i will leave you alone for a bit :) will this fix the other games we have had problems with, example on mario party, it wont let you play a multi player game?
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if it will, but it might. Good chance.
  11. ohiojess82

    ohiojess82 Member

    ok, i'll just have to try when my sister gets home. thank you again for your help!
  12. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Can I just butt in Tirith and say that Akloader didnt work on my Acekard.It stopped anything from loading until I removed it.

    Have you heard of this before....
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I don't know much about the Acekard, but I haven't heard of that happening.
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Which one is the nloader for Acekard2i running AKAIO1.5

    It was the middle one I tried.

    What is the AK+ loader for
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The middle file is the correct loader. AK+ is for Acekard Plus. Did you install it correctly?
  16. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Yes,I stuck it where you told me.It doesnt matter as Im not tinkering with stuff when it works-took me 4 hours to sort out my PSP....
  17. bbib7

    bbib7 Member

    this post also helped me a lot, thanks as well to all =)
  18. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Anand,after reading ace101's post,I see I did not empty the contents of the loader folder-so that probably caused the problem.

    I wasnt aware that I was meant to delete everything in there and then stick the new loader in there....
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